Hello Tom dear
I apologize that you send mail to be delayed. Yesterday (july 9), the son of an accident I
motorbike falling way back home after school. I am very shocked and crying hard. Again, this is the second accident,
.For my son He has a scar on the face and have been scanned by the brain and has been staying at the hospital that I was afraid I was shocked
everything up until now still afraid. I pity my son
He was very hurt wound, but he was never told that the wound pain and today I went to visit my son at the hospital, but the morning
last night I insomnia all night. I feel sorry for my son He told me that he wanted to return home
.Today I was busy all day. I haven't eaten since yesterday. My son's girlfriend in Australia
It is concerned. Her phone chat with me all day. My daughter just as well her crying non-stop after her brother realized that an accident would she
. Come to visit her brother, but she was sure it could not visit
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