2.1. Standards and reagents
Acetonitrile (99.9%), n-hexane (95%) andethyl acetate (99.8%) were
of HPLC grade from Fisher. Scientific, (Lisbon Portugal). Fatty acids
methyl ester (FAME) reference standardmixture 37 (standard 47885 -
U) was purchased. From Sigma (St. Louis MO USA,,), as well as other
individual FattyAcidMethyl, Ester isomers L - ascorbic acid tocopherol
sugar,,,, Organic, acid standardsNitric acid and hydrochloric acid.Water
was treated in a Milli-Q water purification system (TGI Pure, Water
Systems USA). Micro. ,, (Fe Cu Mn and Zn), andmacroelements (Ca Mg
Na, and K) standards (> 99% purity), as well LaCl2 and CsCl (> 99% purity)
were. Purchased from, Merck (Darmstadt Germany). Standars of
5-CH3-H4folate monoglutamate (Ref. 16252; Schircks laboratories
Jona,,Switzerland) and pteroyl diglutamic acid (Ref. 16235; Schircks
laboratories Jona Switzerland,,), pancreatic chicken homogenate. (Pel
Freeze Rogers Arkansas),,,,, rat serum NaBH4 formaldehyde and octanol
were purchased from SigmaeAldrich (St, Louis,. MO, the USA).
Acetonitrile fluorescence grade was bought from Fisher, Scientific
(Madrid Spain). All other general laboratory. Reagentswere purchased
.From Panreac Qu í mica S.L.U. Barcelona Spain (,).
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