The greatest good for the greatest number.” Here, the outcome matters. (Consequentialism) i.e. to design a mobile application (app) that fulfils the connectivity of the consumers into the world resources of knowledge and friendships.
The greatest good for the greatest number." Here, the outcome matters. (Consequentialism) i.e. to design a mobile application (app) that fulfils the connectivity of the consumers into the world resources of knowledge and friendships.
The greatest good for the greatest number. "Here, the outcome matters. (Consequentialism) ie to design a mobile application (app) that fulfils the connectivity of the consumers into the world resources of knowledge and friendships.
The greatest good for the greatest number. "Here the outcome, matters. (Consequentialism) i.e. To design a mobile application. (APP) that fulfils the connectivity of the consumers into the world resources of knowledge and friendships.