Baidu online translation bookmarksPlease enter the text you want to translate a Web link or address translation must be cleared.Thank you very much for the great blessings, I miss you. My sister had this much, I bless you, my sister. But happiness forever as well.Thai language → EnglishThe results translated to (English-> Thai language) copy the translation result comparing two languages on a single page.Hello, I want you to know about me like, drink alcohol, don't go out at night, I go to a restaurant the day the evening go exercise. Then go home every day. I live in a small town, quiet, comfortable. I want you to know me more. But I can't speak to you. My sister doesn't believe you will love me? Just talk to thank you, still have us to get to know each other better, and be happy.© Translation and interpreting agreements Baidu 2014 submit suggestions and comments help |.
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