Beautiful face! ' NASA ' meet a troll picture chat Thailand. While live visit Neptune Pluto ' NASA ' meet a troll picture chat Thailand Many now live over two years Pluto It is known all over the world are watching now look to bring the craft fly near Pluto horizon seasons at most after it takes over 9 years of concentration through continuous live video Web site, two years when approximately 17.00 hrs Mr. ' hotel restaurant. BA den ' of the current NASA executives who have shown up during the q to khaikho Conference ' subject to visit Pluto, with a world of doubt, especially online. By expecting the questions brought replies that one live broadcast from channel two way chat box. But while many foreigners trying to ask a question. There are a lot of Netizen from Thailand back to print during the time in question vandalism until it finally showed that Thailand is ridiculous, but the text appears on the chat channels, rather than questions about Pluto leave to NASA executives.
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