Globalization is not a matter of changing economic times. But globalization brought changes around the sides and covered with our daily lives in almost every aspect and affect groups of people. All classes in society and in the world, but in the ratio, and the different types of violence.Only in the past. At the time, society and mass media, as well as the political leaders are talking about globalization are always talking about, but the economy as well as the inflow-outflow of funds currency exchange rate fluctuations. Volatility in the stock market and interest rate trading investment between the countries. World trade-related rules, regulations and agreements, free trade zone, etc.In fact, there are also other important dimensions of globalization, such as globalization, cultural globalization, INTERNET, or in the form of the political system in the form of a new Empire with the United States as countries that could send troops into the Empire invaded another sovereign country based. Without taking into account international law and the sovereignty of States regarding ideas. But these other side of globalization Not to mention each other as much as with economic globalization.The truth is the world's economic connection with for a long time. But in a globalized world, this connection is faster and more intense so sometimes the economy of each country could adapt to catastrophic damage to the economy. As an example of the collapse of the Thai economy in the year 2540 (1997) etc.Globalization creates awareness Create a new feeling about it, that is, a feeling that is the same all over the world. The new space was born in my imagination is called "the world" or GLOBAL in English.That is, globalization is the description or label that introduced us to the changes occurring in the world after the cold war is the changes that have important elements are at the Communist regime's collapse in the Soviet Union. The democratic process in birth make it up all over the world. The connection of the world capitalist economic system through the development of modern information technology in various forms until a tight bond between the points of time and make it a place that's far away has never been a problem in the past, much less.At present, no matter what we point to parts of the world. We can connect to each other via the new khaosarotmai and communication technology, INTERNET and mobile phones, causing a feeling of intimate is more of the same all over the world.The impactOne of the significant impact of globalization on the economy is more and more intense competition in the arena of international trade. In addition, globalization also make various factors that were not treated as an economic factor. To influence the economy more and more like the idea about good management and good governance or GOOD GOVERNANCE in English. Thinking about the global responsibility of the business sector or CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY as well as throughout to give priority to the environment in the manufacturing process, and care for the rights of workers, etc.International trade has become more and more institutions. There is a global organization that serves to manage the world economy increases, such as the World Trade Organization, or WTO, various countries need to pay attention and give priority to regulations. The rules of international trade agreements and more If you do not follow the terms. The terms of trade between these countries. Sending items to sell in foreign countries, it will be a problem, such as, for example, of China, who sent the United States domestic sales as recently news.Thai factories must close down the business because the country partners reject orders because these plant care workers do not have the standard according to the principles of human rights or the use of chemicals that are harmful to people or the environment in the production of their goods.Anybody ever think what a person's intake of tastes in one country. Affect changes to the format of the production team member. In particular, the dictator of People's Republic of China. Consumers do not need to gather in order to create pressure, labor unions, but quit the intake. Country of origin, it crashes immediately.Does not contain any harsh sanctions than to punish consumers who don't buy that item, which is in accordance with the logic of capitalism is that it is willingly, market, market. Born in the new world economic factors in the era of globalization, called "the confidence of consumers in the world," or GLOBAL CONSUMER CONFIDENCE in the world markets is the globalized world market.The reform-oriented institution.An important economic competition in the globalized world is competition in the form of co-operation and creating an accepting under a variety of cultural differences.The standards used in the creation of the world community in the world is globalized democracy, both economic and political reform of the institutions, therefore, a complex economic system under globalization transmitters Thai is the topic of a seminar talk today, it becomes a need to talk about the development of democracy in the country, the Thai economy because Thai is trusted or not. Investors will invest or not. Anyone want to trade with us? The first thing he would like to know is that we have a Government that is democratic or not.In a globalized world, the democratic regime There is no different from the language that people in the world use to communicate. If we do not have democracy, we speak to the world community doesn't understand he doesn't want to talk to us. "I don't want to find any sharp objects as well as access our trade contacts.Although the theory of globalization is mainly talking about the collapse of the State. To reduce the role of the State, but in reality. The State is also important and will also play an important role in building confidence to investors, both local and abroad.And the most important The State in capitalist systems, is to build confidence for the private sector to ensure that their investments will be safe despite the risks, the risk is considered to be the power that a capitalist economy-driven, but it is not a risk, but a risk of shifting under English rules rules regulations.
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