.At present, we can't deny that the automobile is very important to our daily life very much. Due to ease of travel. Help shorten the distance to travel short. But we can choose how to get cheap carDon't be fooled by the tent city secondhand car available wherever now. Today I took the information on buying a used car to offer. So you used to decide to buy a second-hand car more easily!1.Select a tent reliable look big tent, there are a lot to choose, because if there is little car, make us have more options. There are important if we compare the problem of finance.2. Price, try to compare several tents that price of car models that we need, the price is how และค่อย data on the other element such as Color, years of production, various accessories, such as series, Max, audio company brand, 3
.Generations and years car that is difficult to focus on ourselves like because we are using the car. If we buy on the advice people maybe used for a while, will begin to feel bored, and had to change frequently, advisable that we like.Each brand has advantages and disadvantages. Try to study from different website information overloaded. Important to have a car that we really like
.4. Finally, what to pay attention to is the best. To send the payment per month is how we can or not to calculate too easy, such as salary, we have 15 000 per month, spend 6 000 baht. A month, 5 000 per month, there will be 4000 baht, but don't forget to calculate the water it. How much a month, calculate the distance we use every day, such as the drive to work a week, more 1 000 baht. It was just a month, 4000 net salary. This is not recommended, because we need an emergency. เผื่อเกิด, what should be pay in a month, 4 - 5 000 baht is fine. Take what you can
.I hope my advice will make you decision easier. And let the car you like in the price you satisfied.
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