INCOTERMS 2010 are important that have been modified are.1. canceled the agreement, DAF (DELIVERED AT FRONTIERE), DES (DELIVERED EX SHIP), DEQ (DELIVERED EX QUAY)-DDU (DELIVERED DUTY UNPAID) and and add two new agreement replaces, is DAT (DELIVERED AT TERMINAL) and DAP (DELIVERED AT PLACE).2. a group of an agreement in the new format is 2. 2.1 the agreement applicable to the transport of one or more formats, multiple formats (any mode or modes of Rules for transport), it is an agreement that can be used to transport both with marine transport or associated with all or part of the. Including cases where there is no water or ocean freight at all. An agreement in this group include EXW (EX WORKS), FCA (FREE CARRIER), CPT (CARRIAGE PAID TO), CIP (CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO), DAT (DELIVERED AT TERMINAL), DAP (DELIVERED AT PLACE), DDP (DELIVERED DUTY PAID) 2.2 agreement for ocean freight and internal waters (inland waterway Rules for sea and transport) will have to transport water into the sea or relevant always. An agreement in this group include: FAS (FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP), FOB (FREE ON BOARD), CFR (COST AND FREIGHT), CIF (COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT).3. can be used with the trade agreements, domestic and international trade. Can be seen from the text with regard to customs, which is a ceremony, Where applicable, which means that might or might not have such a duty, it is.4. support for electronic communications. To facilitate the development process by electronically in more trade at the current INCOTERMS 2010. that if there is agreement between the parties or there is a tradition here, the information in an electronic communication that is similar to the use of paper.5. an update on the various information related to insurance contracts (insurance Information relating to duties) since the first edition of the INCOTERMS 2010 as after having revised standard agreements in additional insurance (Institute Cargo Clauses), so take into consideration these changes in INCOTERMS 2010 and as a result, the duty to inform a variety of information related to the contract of insurance has been imported are included in an A3 and B3, which is about the contract, freight and insurance contracts. INCOTERMS 2000 is determined from these duties to the A10 and B10 message, an agreement on additional functionality in General. Moreover, the correct words to achieve clarity in the roles of each party more. The content is still original.6. the security agreement in order to move items from the item drop-detection option because there is more concern about safety in the movement of goods and the need to make security checks that will not pose a danger to life and property, such as in the case of INCOTERMS 2010 terrorism requires the duties between the buyer, the seller in order to obtain or assist such information to track security supervision (Chain-of-custody information)
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