Democracy. Refers to the regime of the people opposite of authoritarianism. According to my understanding is that in the social 1.Most people voice count to decide or choose a leader in the country. Everyone has equal rights.There is no authority, rather than the general public (called the collision they disintegrate).In the current The democratic system is used, many countries in the world, such as: USA,SPAIN,GREAT BRITAIN,CANADA,GERMANY,INDIA,INDONESIA,FRANCE,NETHERLAND,SINGAPORE,MALAYSIA,THAILAND,PHILIPPINE,SWEDEN,AUSTRIA,AUSTRALIA,NEWZEALAND,SOUTHKOREA,JAPAN,MEXICO,FIJI,BRAZIL,HONDURASThe democratic model Democracy, or the autonomy of the people can be divided into.1. direct democracy – public meetings. Debate and vote on the matter. For example, the law on budget meetings, the local or national referendum. For example, to receive or not receive the drafts of a new Constitution. 2. the representatives of the democratic system, because there are a lot of people, most of the country. There is a need to break down the complex often uses do select delegates up to a management and law by chest. 3. people's participation to democracy throughout the first 2. As well as providing people with autonomy in local level. There are independent agencies that maintain the benefits the people's Party. With media and the public a strong organization. Public sector or civil society has a role in the decisions of the country; Do not let the Agency do everything legitimately, by people just elected representatives once only.In terms of content. Democracy does not mean merely the election system. If you want to include as the democratic State. 6 or more:1. elected representatives must be free and fair, There is no use of powers. Government officials in order to cheat the election. There are no sales and purchase a sound that would influence power smash disintegrate patronage. 2. must have a system of monitoring checks that the judiciary Department, Department of legislation, such as an independent organization. People can check the balance of enterprise management and audit checks and faction. As well as the public sector can recall representatives is not legitimate.3. the management of the land must be transparent as to the benefits. There is no legislative. The overlapping interests to play their advantages, private party.4. There is a Constitution and legal tradition that benefit most people with a reason. There is invariably. Most people agree, and the Constitution. Those laws are enforced.5. the public organizations, mass media freedom, and the Emirates is free, with dignity and strength. People have a conscience as a citizen and to participate in the elections to exercise reviews. An association gathering. To make a public hearing (open discussion, law, public opinion matters, and various projects). And that the people will accept referendum in major subject.6. social economy development is distributed to the people causing the democratic way. Economic and social development and the economic and social stability regularly. The democratic values that people should help each other build is:1. a person who has a reason to accept the story rights social reality. Respect for our mutual benefit.2. a good attitude towards fellow human beings. There is mutual respect and harmony.3. understand the need and benefits of coming together as citizens of the country are. 4. respect for the law and life in the law, there's a reason and fairness.5. There is a broad and open mind, ready to adapt to changes in society.6. a person who is responsible for what he has done to bind to.7. having in mind that equity considerate no prejudice towards people who are different from ourselves. Like other religions, or of other races, etc.
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