1. Ban Khiri Wong
2. History Ban Khiri Wong
Ban Khiri Wong Lan Saka district Gumlone District province. The community is located in the valley. A way of life, living in the forest. Mutual dependence In the way of natural resources And Fertile Environment The minister made a major lifestyle. Which is inherited from the ancient wisdom. Through this community to combat the crisis nature, time and again, but could stand to regain the land. Came up with an industry leader with a strong effort. Can together form a group of villagers enterprise customers. This is a community with honesty, solidarity, love and unity. With spectacular features are unique to the community. The house featured KHIRIWONG Famous recount the legend of the community. Battle of ancestors Successor generation descendants And continues to Attract people interested in lifestyle education. Generating revenues sufficient to create economic self-reliance has led local development activities. And manage local natural resources for the benefit of
the resource 3.
the best weather in
the orchard. The rambutan, mangosteen, durian include garden Sato
4. Tourist home KHIRIWONG
Tha Khlong
Ban Khun Nam
Bridge House KHIRIWONG
waterfall to
5 strategies that make home KHIRIWONG a tour
to create OTOP products include handmade clothing. Honey soap from the mangosteen
, advertising brochures mapping to create a site
to build a road to be comfortable to go home KHIRIWONG.
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