The purchase of weapons in the region
, "the Arms Race is caused by (1) those countries have hostile enemies on both sides (2) to increase the number or rattling of weapons, battle Pau Korn higher rates of sudden and (. 3) The weapons must be correlated interaction. The phenomenon The paranoia of security (Security Dilemma) that affect the stability of the region that "
countries in the region, including Thailand are spending more on the military budget over the coming years. Due to the growth of China's military. Which is an important factor that affects other countries in the region to balance the power. And protect shipping routes, ports and maritime boundaries. Which is strategically important to the economy of the country. ASEAN members, including Thailand's military budget has been increased. To purchase new weapons Institute for Peace International in Stockholm County (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRI) said that countries around the world with military spending at 1,738 billion dollars (year 2011), the United States has cost the military more. Most accounted for 41% of consolidated military in the world, followed by China 8.2%, Russia 4.1%, Britain and France 3.6% for ASEAN, Singapore has cost the military the highest is 8.3 billion USD was Indonesia's 5.2. Thailand billion $ 5.1 billion. Malaysia, Vietnam 2.5 billion dollars to 4.2 billion dollars, 2.2 billion dollars, the Philippines, Brunei, Laos is 0.4 billion dollars and 0.2 billion dollars. Details are as follows:
Republic of Singapore. The country has an area of 710.2 square kilometers. With a population of less than 5 million people, but the top 10 of the world's largest arms importer. Generating Fleet Diving "Challenger" team by buying submarines from Sweden, four ships and submarines. Västergotland Two ships from Sweden Buy fighter F-15SG 1 masses and F-35 fighters from the United States to become the most modern fleet and another company. And become a superpower by air within the group with
the Republic of the Philippines. Accelerated strengthening military capabilities. To address external threats The budget allocated 378,450 million baht procurement among maritime patrol boat speed from Vietnam. Coastal ships from Japan 10 ships stuck ฟriekt modern missile systems. Two boats to patrol the waters versatile helicopter attack helicopter Associates Gaul eight ships inspected three ships from the Italian marine transport and reconnaissance fighter aircraft distance. Military radar FA-50 12 fighter jets from South Korea, the Chinese have attacked a major arms procurement plan of the Philippines hard. By warning that increasing tensions in Spratly Islands Bay
, Vietnam. I will buy missile Ramos (BrahMos Missile) for installation aboard ฟriekt floor Gate Park 3.9 of the four ships, submarines Barcelona's class (Kilo-class) 6 ships for the Navy's most advanced submarine warfare. While confronting the "threat" from China disputed Paracel Islands in the north. The Spratly Islands in the South Bay. The Project-636 submarine purchase of six aircraft missiles from Russia and Israel. Current recently signed a deal to buy 24 Su-30 fighter aircraft Su-34 bombers generation. Su-35 aircraft and advanced radar systems from Russia number one. For air defense forces Including an agreement on cooperation in nuclear technology, nuclear energy
, Laos. A small army Most weapons are weapons during the Cold War. The mission for border protection, including rifles, guns, mortars, tanks, PT -76 tanks, battle tanks (Type 59) armored tanks (BTR-60P) armored tanks (BTR-152) armored tanks. Light Anti-Aircraft (ZSU-23-4) cannon M-30 122 mm howitzer field howitzer, M-46, D-30, and the M114 155 mm air defense missiles Strela 2 surface to air missile, 57 mm AZP S-. 60 automatic anti-aircraft gun, ZPU auto anti-aircraft gun, K-13 (missile) air-to-air missile
Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 56-57-year budget of US $ 2400 million. For the purchase of 50 tanks T -52 armored BTR-3 U of 1200 model cars weapon missile surface-to-air (SAM) and Tor-M1 and Buk-M1A2, while China sold armored vehicles and T. -85 and T-90 300 vehicles, tanks T-6911, T-59 D, T-80, T-85 200 units and 105 units, the T-63 155 mm artillery. (MW52) measures 122 mm. . (T34) includes cylinder 100 and 155 mm. (T63) 30 cylinder from Israel was putting the boat. "Andaman Sea" is very important. And is considered the boundary side is considered a "threat" by a ship Monmouth Matt 6 hull fast attack missile rack ears Xin (Houxin) 6 vessels [Type 037 / 1G / Type 353M large missile boats] weapon. C-801 missile attack boats, speed boats attacked a high-class gun (Hainan) 10 vessels (Type 037 Subchaser) ship subdue Myanmar class submarine equipped C-801 missiles and a ship near shore 72 fighter jets MiG-. 29 of 29 ships, helicopter transport and attack Mi-24 11 Lam Mi-17 30 ships, with Mi-25 10 ships,
rockets, antiaircraft family of S-175M "Space Laura" (Pechora) fighters larger Su-27. Tank T-72, FC-1 or JF-17
in Cambodia. Dependence on the Soviet Union as the main weapon. Buy a helicopter Z-9 or Harbin Zhi-9 of 12 aircraft from Airbus, Harbin in the amount of 195 million dollars, consisting of Z-9B for transportation purpose four ships Z-9W armed attack two aircraft for VIP transport 6. transport aircraft used in military. For humanitarian and rescue missions, natural disasters, the missile can destroy a tank. Guided missile submarines on a mission to defeat the end aircraft carrier communications equipment. Fire Control Equipment And electronic devices for "electronic warfare"
Republic of Indonesia. Expanding submarine fleet By Type-209 3-submarine ships from South Korea. A high-tech submarine with a diesel engine that uses electricity. To protect the sea coast of Indonesia, such as the North Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Sulawesi Sea's Tuna Bali Strait. Buy 16 Russian fighter Su-30 aircraft from 24 aircraft F-16 fighter jets from Russia's Sukhoi Su-30MKK 6 medium transport aircraft from Spain 9 vessels, aircraft, Patriot missile intercept eight aircraft from the Brazilian frigates from China. And coastal radar systems from China and North America.
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