Mother's day essay subject, one drop of milk. When it comes to this world until he began to recognize its growing up until a good adult. Old memories that will never fade out to. Even the current feeling in my heart that's still fragrant like Jasmine bloom at any time. Since there is no date or time like gone with the water, watery tuck when guards eagerly, feeling it is something special beyond description, but the aroma of sweet water, which tells a warm watery in mind equal to milk's mother, brewed with this child to drink, eat until you grow อ้.The hug-friendly NET thanu loves links between each other. Indicate the maximum love that anyone can get until the first step of life designed with pure milk. Two little feet step tentatively confident attempt to crawl all the way technicians mix get difficult. Not long ago, two hands are warm, sustaining fragile body to rise to stand again. And important, it passed. A long night too sweet milk drink eat Two hand-waving blown cold to cool all the time. Willing to starve herself from bedroom to sleep Keep, no protection from anything emotional, until little big sukson all the time. Butterfly flying along the grass blows belly na wide mantel hoiklang night shine becoming fainter. Two oral teaching to danger without limit warning Lift the small twigs keep chasing too hungry to go home. Hot sweet fragrant rice. Incubate the plate full of edible cucumber faeng until IM pregnant. Mother to drip sweat flowing silk cha tired face and sudden surface, according to the agreement, but a smile still does not disappear from the face in the eyes of this child over the passage of time too fast, until today, the artist seems to perceive the passage of time will vary depending on. The strong meat of the radiant skin Start the start time to shorten patient to wither, but one thing remains, and he has never changed at all, is concerned that there is always a chain, each of the two moons both in compliance with several ties to the Sun only. The time: the ball must be released to face the outside world work for themselves. Notice themselves, they are still in great balls of balls always. The ball never forgot the words teach mothers without limit. Tired, tired heart body fatigue tattoo? I see the image of a fighting force in the coming days. Although the future is not yet recognized as such? Important and first step mom give it will be next to the child in the future. One drop of pure white milk which the mother out of the distillate is in the blood of the child overheating ever. Dilution gone but somehow, but it's still circulating inside the body of a child is always. Keep as a reminder in the lavish grace that makes it feel warm when I miss to this day.
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