The play opens with Algernon Moncrieff, an idle young gentleman, recei การแปล - The play opens with Algernon Moncrieff, an idle young gentleman, recei อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The play opens with Algernon Moncri

The play opens with Algernon Moncrieff, an idle young gentleman, receiving his best friend, John Worthing, whom he knows as Ernest. Ernest has come from the country to propose to Algernon's cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax. Algernon, however, refuses his consent until Ernest explains why his cigarette case bears the inscription, "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack." 'Ernest' is forced to admit to living a double life. In the country, he assumes a serious attitude for the benefit of his young ward, the heiress Cecily Cardew, and goes by the name of John (or, as a nickname, Jack), while pretending that he must worry about a wastrel younger brother named Ernest in London. In the city, meanwhile, he assumes the identity of the libertine Ernest. Algernon confesses a similar deception: he pretends to have an invalid friend named Bunbury in the country, whom he can "visit" whenever he wishes to avoid an unwelcome social obligation. Jack refuses to tell Algernon the location of his country estate.

Gwendolen and her formidable mother Lady Bracknell now call on Algernon. As he distracts Lady Bracknell in another room, Jack proposes to Gwendolen. She accepts, but seems to love him very largely for his professed name of Ernest. Jack accordingly resolves to himself to be rechristened "Ernest". Discovering them in this intimate exchange, Lady Bracknell interviews Jack as a prospective suitor. Horrified to learn that he was adopted after being discovered as a baby in a handbag [n 9] at Victoria Station, she refuses him and forbids further contact with her daughter. Gwendolen, though, manages covertly to promise to him her undying love. As Jack gives her his address in the country, Algernon surreptitiously notes it on the cuff of his sleeve: Jack's revelation of his pretty and wealthy young ward has motivated his friend to meet her.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The play opens with Algernon Moncrieff, an idle young gentleman, receiving his best friend, John Worthing, whom he knows as Ernest. Ernest has come from the country to propose to Algernon's cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax. Algernon, however, refuses his consent until Ernest explains why his cigarette case bears the inscription, "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack." 'Ernest' is forced to admit to living a double life. In the country, he assumes a serious attitude for the benefit of his young ward, the heiress Cecily Cardew, and goes by the name of John (or, as a nickname, Jack), while pretending that he must worry about a wastrel younger brother named Ernest in London. In the city, meanwhile, he assumes the identity of the libertine Ernest. Algernon confesses a similar deception: he pretends to have an invalid friend named Bunbury in the country, whom he can "visit" whenever he wishes to avoid an unwelcome social obligation. Jack refuses to tell Algernon the location of his country estate.

Gwendolen and her formidable mother Lady Bracknell now call on Algernon. As he distracts Lady Bracknell in another room, Jack proposes to Gwendolen. She accepts, but seems to love him very largely for his professed name of Ernest. Jack accordingly resolves to himself to be rechristened "Ernest". Discovering them in this intimate exchange, Lady Bracknell interviews Jack as a prospective suitor. Horrified to learn that he was adopted after being discovered as a baby in a handbag [n 9] at Victoria Station, she refuses him and forbids further contact with her daughter. Gwendolen, though, manages covertly to promise to him her undying love. As Jack gives her his address in the country, Algernon surreptitiously notes it on the cuff of his sleeve: Jack's revelation of his pretty and wealthy young ward has motivated his friend to meet her.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The play opens with Algernon Moncrieff, an idle young gentleman, receiving his best friend, John Worthing, whom he knows as Ernest. Ernest has come from the country to propose to Algernon's cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax. Algernon, however, refuses his consent until Ernest explains why his cigarette case bears the inscription, "From little Cecily, with her ​​fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack.". 'Ernest' is forced to admit to living a double life. In the country, he assumes a serious attitude for the benefit of his young ward, the heiress Cecily Cardew, and goes by the name of John (or, as a nickname, Jack), while pretending that he must worry about a wastrel younger brother. named Ernest in London. In the city, meanwhile, he assumes the identity of the libertine Ernest. Algernon confesses a similar deception: he pretends to have an invalid friend named Bunbury in the country, whom he can "visit" whenever he wishes to avoid an unwelcome social obligation. Jack refuses to tell Algernon The Location of His Country Estate. Gwendolen and Lady Bracknell now call on Her Mother formidable Algernon. As he distracts Lady Bracknell in another room, Jack proposes to Gwendolen. She accepts, but seems to love him very largely for his professed name of Ernest. Jack accordingly resolves to himself to be rechristened "Ernest". Discovering them in this intimate exchange, Lady Bracknell interviews Jack as a prospective suitor. Horrified to learn that he was adopted after being discovered as a baby in a handbag [n 9] at Victoria Station, she refuses him and forbids further contact with her ​​daughter. Gwendolen, though, manages covertly to promise to him her undying love. As Jack gives her his address in the country, Algernon surreptitiously notes it on the cuff of his sleeve: Jack's revelation of his pretty and wealthy young ward has motivated his friend to meet her.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The play opens with, Algernon Moncrieff an idle young gentleman receiving his, best friend John Worthing whom he knows,,, As Ernest. Ernest has come from the country to propose to Algernon ', s cousin Gwendolen Fairfax. Algernon however refuses,,, His consent until Ernest explains why his cigarette case bears the inscription, "From little Cecily with her, fondest love. To her dear Uncle Jack.Ernest. "'' is forced to admit to living a double life. In, the country he assumes a serious attitude for the benefit of. His, young ward the heiress Cecily Cardew and goes, by the name of John (or as, a, nickname Jack), while pretending that. He must worry about a wastrel younger brother named Ernest in London. In, the city meanwhile he assumes, the identity of. The libertine Ernest.Algernon confesses a similar deception: he pretends to have an invalid friend named Bunbury in the country whom he, can. "Visit" whenever he wishes to avoid an unwelcome social obligation. Jack refuses to tell Algernon the location of his country. Estate.

Gwendolen and her formidable mother Lady Bracknell now call on Algernon. As he distracts Lady Bracknell in another. Room.Jack proposes to Gwendolen. She accepts but seems, to love him very largely for his professed name of Ernest. Jack accordingly. Resolves to himself to be rechristened "Ernest." Discovering them in this intimate exchange Lady Bracknell, interviews Jack. As a prospective suitor. Horrified to learn that he was adopted after being discovered as a baby in a handbag [n 9] at Victoria. Station.She refuses him and forbids further contact with her daughter. Gwendolen though manages covertly,, to promise to him her. Undying love. As Jack gives her his address in, the country Algernon surreptitiously notes it on the cuff of his sleeve:? Jack 's Revelation of his pretty and wealthy young ward has motivated his friend to meet her.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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