Short story: I, FrankensteinRue ngarao of Adam (Aaron key heart) is a supernatural creature that is strong and fighting its final trial of Dr. Wiktoe crazy Fraengokkenottai by taking a piece of a man with a shock of electric and mechanical sewing machine. He has lived for more than 200 years of living on the dark corners of Bangkok and will appear at night only. Adam is not a supernatural creature. One man living on Earth, but there are also many legendary monster that is hidden, and Adam was in the middle of a war between two tribes of the teeth to fight each other for centuries, but what Adam wants most is not a victory or immortal life, but he wants 7.Lyon is the only perfect man. It also has some young actor at iwon hofot cookies from the famous series, Chuck, and Dexter came to get lessons. Terra Scientists working on research for the Organization of the devil, that she did not notice. Here make her meet Adam, the key to the demon being to immortality.
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