used. Morning and evening
* * * results depending on the individual's skin * * *
advice for people began using:
1.Botaya Herb not cure acne that will see the results immediately. But botha grandma herb herbs selection was adopted as a method for extracting and keep the useful and have effect in skin care.
2.May be allergic to some users due to have different skin condition, but in most cases. Usually result from some users used the cream with a mixture of a hazardous substance mercury compounds such as hydroquinone steroids.And is toxic to the skin or may be caused by the use of excessive amounts of the mask for thick. To want to see results in a short time, it may cause a rash grain burning red and acne (but no building cars), or may be the black burns the skin
.If a problem occurs in the case of these solutions is to clean the face with milk or yogurt (natural flavors) and face mask with whites. To do this until the symptoms disappear. (which are used for a period not exceeding 7 days, the symptoms will disappear).Botha grandma, herb, next by spread thin to thick
3.Should not use a man up and scared, watching the effects of a focus, with anxiety and paranoia, or for excellent too. Because Botaya Herb bota. Herb, not medicine. To make the skin look good, instant in the blink of an eye. But guarantee that the skin will gradually.Continuous use regularly
4.The shed skin cells effectively. If continued use. Blemish fade can reduce down by the shallow, will reduce gradually, and Zhang, but in early skin will gradually white and clear up the ceiling I've ever seen.But will gradually reduce the lighter
5.Botaya Herb botha grandma, herb, herbs that incorporates a variety of herbs, take care of, and protect the skin จากมลภาวะ and sunlight, so can be used regularly continuously. Available all day and night.Because the sunscreen may cause the efficiency of herbs in bota grandma, herb, effect is poor enough, and sunscreen may cause problems to the skin. If the sunscreen use clean not all have residues on the skin, it will cause the accumulation.(recommend using sunscreen. When faced with intense sunlight, such as to the sea, or work to get to the แสงแดดจัด. For a long time).
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