1.Initial position before you run. In short distance running of all types. Starting before you run is the most important. Because of the win or lose at the starting out run out. The substrate before running out of good.There is a strong sent forward the most and the least time The substrate before running out of both athletes and experts invented a trial with multiple วิธีปรากฎ how begin with zoom the sit down both hands to the ground.The first step is to make out more quickly, while pulling out. Your feet do not move backward. Therefore should have your knees!The lean feet start run, used for running all types within no more than
.400 meters (including relay first wood 4 x 400 meters), but not with the running of other types. On the track of any part of the foot must not exceptionally lean into the line to start or filed into the channel runs.:
- made of rigid materials. And does not cause an athletics others
- to cling to the treadmill with pins or nails. To cause damage to the racecourse minimal
.As well as to be easy to install and fast flows or removable
2.Techniques in out when you hear the command "in place" from the release of athletes must walk to the บริเวณที่ตั้ง designing ran near the line started. And put her hands on the runway, both hands, located about 1 the shoulder.The thumb and index finger fingers spread out other aligned with the index finger, thumb and finger of the four ยันพื้น weight. And placed on the same level after the lines start almost to lines start finger tense up.Put the knee of the back foot on the floor to enter from the side when heard the order "be careful" to lift the bottom is higher than the shoulders slightly. The average body weight down to the shoulders to arm's hand or arm with an area slightly forward perpendicular.Look forward, not far from so much about 1 - 3 meters, and breathe in and hold while get your ass up focus firmly and still ears listen for the gun. The position seen from the front when you hear the command "careful"
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