เช้าวันรุ่งขึ้น ฝ้ายไปยืนตะโกนใต้บ้านต้นไม้ ตะโกนเรียกอยู่นานก็ไม่มีเส การแปล - เช้าวันรุ่งขึ้น ฝ้ายไปยืนตะโกนใต้บ้านต้นไม้ ตะโกนเรียกอยู่นานก็ไม่มีเส อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

เช้าวันรุ่งขึ้น ฝ้ายไปยืนตะโกนใต้บ้

เช้าวันรุ่งขึ้น ฝ้ายไปยืนตะโกนใต้บ้านต้นไม้ ตะโกนเรียกอยู่นานก็ไม่มีเสียงตอบรับเลยถามว่าอยู่หรือเปล่าหรือต้องให้ปีนขึ้นไปเรียก

“หนวกหูจริงๆ รู้ไหมเมื่อคืนกว่าจะกลับเกือบตีสาม เปิดร้านเองไม่ได้รึไง” ไม้โผล่หน้ามาถามอย่างหงุดหงิดงัวเงีย พอฝ้ายบอกว่าที่ต้องมาตามเพราะคุณย่าอยากพบ ไม้หน้าเสียสงสัยว่าต้องเป็นเรื่องเมื่อคืนนี้แน่ ตะโกนลงมาว่า “ไปบอกย่าว่าฉันไม่ค่อยสบาย เย็นๆจะแวะไปหา”

เหตุเพราะหทัยไปหาย่าขวัญแต่เช้าเล่าเรื่องที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่อคืนให้ย่าฟัง ระหว่างย่าให้ฝ้ายไปเรียกไม้มาหา หทัยก็อยู่ช่วยย่าเด็ดผักไปพลาง ย่าทำกับข้าวไปก็บ่นไปว่าทำไมดวงไม้ถึงได้สมพงศ์กับโรงพักขนาดนี้ เรื่องเดิมยังไม่ทันจบก็มีเรื่องใหม่อีกแล้ว

“เป็นความผิดของหนู ที่ไม่ได้เลี้ยงดูเขาให้ดี ปล่อยให้เป็นภาระของแม่”

“ไม่ต้องโทษตัวเองหรอก มันโตแล้ว เป็นผู้ใหญ่ขนาดนี้ต้องรู้ผิดรู้ถูกเองแล้ว ที่หทัยไปช่วยมันบนโรงพักก็ถือว่าดีมากแล้ว ไม่งั้นเมื่อคืนมันได้นอนที่นั่นแน่”

“หนูไม่ค่อยแน่ใจเท่าไหร่ ไม่รู้ว่าตัวเองทำถูกหรือเปล่า” ย่าถามว่าเรื่องอะไร “ก็ที่บอกให้ทุกคนรู้ว่า

ไม้เป็นลูกของหนูไง ไม่รู้มีกี่คนที่ไม่พอใจ”

“โอมเพิ่งรู้ใช่ไหม เขาก็คงจะตกใจมาก”

“ค่ะ เขาโกรธหนูมากเลยล่ะค่ะ เมื่อเช้าเจอหน้าก็ไม่ยอมมองหน้า ไม่พูดกันเลย ก็คงต้องให้เวลาเขาสักพัก แต่ไม้เองก็โกรธหนูเหมือนกัน”

“เรื่องไม้น่ะ เดี๋ยวเขามาแม่จะคุยกับเขาเอง เอาใจยากจริงๆ แม่ไม่อยู่ด้วยก็โกรธแม่ พอแม่บอกคนอื่นว่าตัวเป็นลูกก็ไม่ชอบอีก” ย่าบ่นอุบอิบ พอดีฝ้ายมาบอกว่าไม้ไม่มา ย่าบอกทันทีว่า “เขาไม่มา เราก็ไปหาเขาเองสิ จะกลัวอะไรล่ะ”

แต่พอไปถึงบ้านต้นไม้ หทัยขอหลบรอที่ต้นไม้อีกต้นหนึ่ง พอย่าขวัญมาเรียก ไม้โผล่มา ย่าหันไปเรียกหทัยให้ออกมา ไม้มองตามไปพอเห็นหทัยก็ถามอย่างไม่ชอบใจว่า “ย่า!! พาเขามาทำไม” ย่าบอกว่าแม่เขามีเรื่องอยากคุยด้วย ไม้จึงปีนบันไดลงมาเงียบๆ พอเห็นหทัยที่ย่าหันไปเรียกให้ออกมา ไม้ก็มองหน้านิ่ง

“เป็นไงบ้างลูก” หทัยถามใจไม่ดีนัก

“เรียกลูกได้เต็มปากเลยนะ” ไม้ประชด พอถูกย่าเรียกปราม เขาบอกหทัยว่า “กลับไปเถอะ ที่นี่ไม่ต้อนรับคุณ...ย่าไม่ควรพาเขามา” ย่าขวัญบอกว่าแม่เขาเป็นห่วง ควรจะขอบคุณที่เขามาเยี่ยม “ไม่ล่ะ...แต่ถ้าเขารีบกลับไปตอนนี้ ไม้จะยกมือขอบคุณท่วมหัวเลย”

ย่าหมั่นไส้เลยหักไม้ฟาดแขนไม้ไปหลายที เขาตัดพ้อย่าว่าตีตนทำไม ย่าสั่งให้ขอโทษแม่เดี๋ยวนี้

“ย่าเห็นเขาดีกว่าไม้เหรอ” เสียงไม้น้อยใจ เมื่อย่าย้ำให้ขอโทษ เขาตอบทันทีว่า “ไม้ไม่ขอโทษ” แล้วหันหลังเดินหนีไปเลย ย่าพยายามเรียกให้กลับมา แต่ไม้ทำหูทวนลมเดินหายไปในสวน

“ไม่เป็นไรค่ะแม่ อย่าไปว่าไม้เลย” หทัยน้ำตาไหล “หนูไม่ควรจะมาที่นี่ หนูต้องขอโทษแม่ด้วยค่ะ ที่ทำให้แม่ลำบากใจ” หทัยไหว้ลาน้ำตาไหล ย่าขวัญดึงเธอเข้าไปกอดปลอบใจ...
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The next morning Cotton stand out under the tree house. It's no longer called a response to any question whether or not you need to climb a

."Shut up I know when to be back almost three. I can not open it "sticks poked nervously asked sleepily. I tell that to come along because I found my grandmother. Wood waste is suspected to be on this."I tell ya, I'm not comfortable. Cool to visit a "
.Because heart to find a narrative thriller that happens, but listening back to GMA. Drug to cotton not come to call. Heart was rescued while the vegetables cool. Grandmother cook to complained to why the wood to be Sompong to this station.

"Is guilty of mice. Do not feed them so well. Leave the burden of his mother, "

."Do not blame yourself, but it grows to a mature size of this knowledge is to know the self. The heart to help it stay on the plant is considered very good. Do not sleep on it Naenแne "

."I'm not sure how much Knowing what I was doing or not, "Anya asked what it meant. "I told everyone to know that.

Is a son of rats that. Do not know how many people are not happy "

" I know, right? Ohm. He would be shocked "

."I was very angry with me anyway. This morning did not look at my face do not say it would have to give him some time. But Wood himself was angered me too "

."No, I I came to talk to his own mother. Really hard to please I was not angry with her. Parents tell people that as a child I did not like the "grandmother muttering fit cotton says not to come. Grandmother once told me that "he did not come, we have to find him yourself.
But to the tree house. Cardiologist's waiting to dodge trees tree. Do not pop up thriller called Maya turned to the heart to come out. Wood looked to have a heart, it's not like I asked, "Mother!Brought him why, "said the grandmother, the mother had something to talk to. Why climb down the stairs quietly. I turned to see a cardiologist Anya called out. Wood looked stagnant

"I know baby," the cardiologist asked alarmed

."I can honestly called the" irony was enough to dissuade grandmother. He said the heart says "go back here not welcome you ... drugs should not take him," said his mother Tonya morale is concerned. Should be grateful that he had visited "No ...But if he hurried back to the now. Wood will hand you over head "

Ya sorry I broke, do not hit wood arms many times. He strove to beat his grandmother why. Mother ordered to apologize even now

."Ya see, he is better than wood?" The Voice No offense. When administered repeatedly apologized to He responded immediately that "No, no, sorry," and then turned to walk away. Mother tried to call back But wood Tmhotwnlm went missing in the park

."You're a mother Do not stick it to the "heart tears" I should not have come here. I apologize with my mother Embarrassment that made her "heart tears begging ass. Anya Kwan pulled her into a hug solace ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Morning dawn Cotton Tree House to the South stood the shout holler for a long time, there is no feedback at all asked? or if you want to climb up to get

."The really ear nuak know last night than going back nearly hit three. I do not own shop "wooden surface were questions frustrated nguangia. Paul cotton, saying that must be followed because you would find ya. Wood waste to wonder's face last night. "Go tell ya that I'm rarely comfortable and cool to visit the find"
Why, because early gifts to find ya hathai story that happened last night, ya hear. Between mother, cotton, wood, it calls for making the coolest Grandpa hathai vegetables at the same time. Ya do, complain that why Moon stick to this size with somphong.

"Is guilty of mice that were not fed him, but let the burden of mother"

."Don't blame yourself, then you're already a mature, growing it to know that you know is false, to help it stay on at hathai is considered very good, and I last night, it was certainly there in bed."-

."I sure didn't. I don't know how to do yourself? "the mother asked," what matters ", telling everyone to know how

your child's wooden mice. I don't know how many people are dissatisfied with "

" om just know? He is extremely shocked. "

."! He was very angry, but I have. When the morning light, it does not look ahead. Do not talk at all, they would have to give him some time, but the wood itself, angry residents alike. "

."Hey, what's that you stick the template he comes to talk to some really difficult, not his own mother's mother's mother's anger by saying that other people just as they do not like." Ya upip complaint. Fit cotton wood said no. Grandpa told him that "as soon as we can not come to his own!
But enough to reach the tree house Hathai also sought refuge in trees waiting for one. Wooden gifts from Grandpa called out to break the surface. Grandpa turned to get out, hathai. Wood look as he saw absolutely no questions like ' hathai "ya!! Why he had to take "Grandpa says that she wants to have him talk so quietly climbing the ladder wood saw the Bill turned to Grandpa hathai out of wood, they still face" a look

? "' asked hathai bad

."The ball is full of weird mouth" stick to spite. I was calling to warn ya. He told me back in, "hathai Here not welcome you ... ya should not take them. " Grandpa gifts, saying that his mother is concerned, should be grateful that he came "not right now ...But if he had to hurry now, wood is hand-canceled thanks to hate ya

, head of the flood were never deducted "wood to wood arms to fight one at a time. He said their strike to complain, why don't ya. Mother, mother, I apologize now

"Ya see him better than wood?" sounds a little wood. When grandpa reiterated, I apologize He said, "excuse me, no wood" and then backs away easily at all. Mother trying to get back, but the wind made wooden Lance ears easily lost in the garden

."No matter what I do to Wood River," hathai tears flow, "I should not have come here if I must excuse me, mother with giving mother seemed" hathai Wai la tears flow. Grandpa gifts drew her into a hug and comfort ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The next morning he shouted to cotton tree house South is called long enough, there was no answer, or to be asked to do is to climb called

"Do you know to be deafening. Last night than it was nearly three o'clock in the morning to open the restaurant itself is not? " wood Pop-out and asked impatiently. sleepy enough cotton said that the need to come in because you want to see Grandma wood; the suspect that must be a matter of course, last night!"To tell you that I didn't feel cold grandmother will visit to find out."

Because of heart toward her grandparents gift early told him what had happened. last night, listening to her grandparents during their grandparents, cotton, wood and called to find heart was picking vegetables to help Grandma grandmother made with rice, as he went to complain, why lights to complete their generations with a police station.

"it's my fault that he did not care to let it be a burden of good mother"

"Not to be imprisoned myself, and then it's a big mistake to know this knowledge is itself, and then the heart to help it on a police station would be considered very good. It's not that I had been lying there, of course, "

"I am not so sure how much it did not know that he had to do was?" asked Grandma what it says, "Everyone knows that it was a wooden

was the son of rats, you know, there are a few people who do not know that is not satisfied."

"Oh, just you know he would have been very frightened."

"Yes, he was very angry; he had this morning. I'm not going to say, I have not looked at it for a moment he was going to take time, but it was too angry."

"We'll be there, he had his mother's wood will be difficult to talk to him, to try to please my mother did not really was angry with his mother when she told me that the other people don't like it." "Grandmother complained to mumble FIT Cotton wood and said that they could not come to her grandparents said that "he did not come as soon as we had to go and see him myself!
but as soon as we got home to heart tree shelter waiting for the beginning of one of the trees in the wood do not pop-up gift, called Grandma turned and called out to heart when I saw the trees looked at the heart, it doesn't like that "Grandma asked,!Bring him." Why did she say that she wanted to speak with him about a wooden ladder and therefore come down quietly when I saw the heart grandmother turned and called out, and looked at it, you know, still,

"heart", I don't mind asking,

"I call it presumably sarcastic wood." He wasn't called Grandma heart bitch he told me, "Go back to where you are not welcome ... Ya should not bring him." "Grandmother told me that she was worried about gift should thank him that came to visit "No, ...But, if he ran back to it now. Thank you prosperous enough to raise his hand to be repelled by it."

"Grandmother was broken wood wood to hit his arm, and he beat his reproofs, why grandmother grandmother ordered to apologize to his mother now

"our grandparents saw him better than wood wood Sound" to be sore when he insisted on her grandparents, I'm sorry, " he said. "I am so sorry." And then he turned and walked away, after trying to get back to their grandparents, but it sticks to turn a deaf ear disappeared in the garden

"It's all right, mother, I don't go to that." "I shouldn't be heart and tears came here I must apologize to my mother, my mother, a troubled heart." Wai, and tears her grandparents gift drew her into his arms about Ajarn
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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