James altar NaN or cookie bug barn man accidentally has knowledge of the fact that Steve Rogers was Captain America layout. Making steel, they must become facham companion. In order to keep the secret that he is Captain America. James agreed to become his "cookie bug" companion of Captain America.In the same name that people like to call him, camp., helps nobody suspected he was smoking cookies. Operating in conjunction with cookies off buck Captain America both in America and in Europe. The end of the war, with an attempt to stop a bomb blasted at the Baron c is sent to destroy the sites cache and cookies to mine the buck.Potklong cache before it will blow. While buck cookie attached to the bombs, and eventually explode upwards, all thought him dead.But it's actually just now survive from the buck bomb, but it was his arm to one side, as well as the brain receives further until the memory. He was frozen, and received assistance from submarines, Russia. He was taken to Moscow, and the installation of the artificial arm, working as a Hitman for the plan x.A new nickname that has video nathoe solo layoe. Here he was met with a lover, he is black. Villa meadows one To date, she is also the spies to Russia. Villa nathoe solo layoe was sent to perform many tasks, but as a duty he is frozen because it is likely that the memory of him will make him not working, Russia.This reason, he looked not unto the fight now goes to the war beginning in the cache. He also has been involved in helping Woolf University oval project nalop escape from Weapon X, and it is killing my wife of the Suez naphu a registry of Woolf University da fans as the mastermind of the Emirates rose walat.In the end, Villa nathoe layoe solutions, it was sent to work in the United States is killed. Radetkan and Jack it rose as nomads from Steve Roger again, where after a flurry with the story of the Red spirit who can move to sing sakan in the body. Winter Soldier creates turbulence, with the Avengers team several times in several clashes with Captain America, including Krakow Airport.The last mission of the Winter Soldier's Bucky, as is the Red Skull assassination and competing Cosmic Cube (Tracy sasoe raek) the ultimate weapon of the Red Skull. After he was arrested by the cooperation of Iron Man, Captain America and the Falcon.Bucky triggered memories with the ultimate weapon of the Red Skull, which is called Cosmic Cube he stole it with the hand he remembered everything. Get to know everything and could not withstand the harsh demands that they are into.He split the Cosmic Cube to come part and disappeared again after the contact with Nick Fury S.H.I.E.L.D. to head, hired him to work.He departed again, and tried to organize a new drafts, but did not succeed in radetkan before it was captured, and knew shields from Tony that he delegated satak Roger inherited the position of Captain America continued. Buck cookie acceptance, but not ask for lo, shields.That is understandable and satak told this story, he acknowledged, and the position he must be private, but then tub kanbak he accepted in the bak cookies. After that, the buck is Captain America a new cookie. Even when Steve Rogers raised up again. It was accepted by the Hughes of faeng bak cookies.However, during the events of the annual big buck just now, it is Fear itself 2011 Sin is radetkan instead of their parents, and get from the Sir pent. The old enemy of Odin that give power to a variety of agents to create a fear of the world. Because of the fear of the power of services results.PaintballBuck just now trying to block the attack of Shin against Washington almost prefer life in Washington, but in the end, it's just now survive because of smoking the substance Formula the Forever Nick future luxury. But he had chosen to be nathoe so layoe Aston Villa instead of Captain America, Steve Rogers returns to the position again.
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