Mr. Thakorn Tanthasit Broadcasting Commission. Broadcasting The National Telecommunications Commission, or NTC. Announced that Google (Thailand) welcomed the engineering team to improve billing system services via the mobile phone bill. To enter the password every time a purchase of goods and services through Google gameplay. And a confirmation email reply from Google as Thailand.
The Advanced Wireless Network (AWN), a subsidiary of Advanced Info Service, or AIS, the system will be open again on 22 July, by setting limits. paid is not more than 1,000 baht and send SMS to the number of users as well as send SMS to the number of parents. The introduction starts dial-in network of AIS However NBTC. Would test the system before opening it. To check that after purchasing a system with alerts via text message or SMS to the user?
Mr. Thakorn Tanthasit Broadcasting Commission. Broadcasting The National Telecommunications Commission, or NTC. Announced that Google (Thailand) welcomed the engineering team to improve billing system services via the mobile phone bill. To enter the password every time a purchase of goods and services through Google gameplay. And a confirmation email reply from Google as Thailand.
The Advanced Wireless Network (AWN), a subsidiary of Advanced Info Service, or AIS, the system will be open again on 22 July, by setting limits. paid is not more than 1,000 baht and send SMS to the number of users as well as send SMS to the number of parents. The introduction starts dial-in network of AIS However NBTC. Would test the system before opening it. To check that after purchasing a system with alerts via text message or SMS to the user?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Mr. Thakorn Tanthasit Broadcasting Commission. Broadcasting The National Telecommunications Commission, or NTC. Announced that Google (Thailand) welcomed the engineering team to improve billing system services via the mobile phone bill. To enter the password every time a purchase of goods and services through Google gameplay. And A Confirmation email reply from Google as Thailand. The Advanced Wireless Network (AWN), A subsidiary of Advanced Info Service, or AIS, The System Will be Open again on 22 July, by setting Limits. paid is not more than 1,000 baht and send SMS to the number of users as well as send SMS to the number of parents. The introduction starts dial-in network of AIS However NBTC. Would test the system before opening it. To check that after purchasing a system with alerts via text message or SMS to the user?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Mr. Thakorn Tanthasit Broadcasting Commission. Broadcasting The National, Telecommunications Commission or NTC. Announced. That Google (Thailand) welcomed the engineering team to improve billing system services via the mobile phone bill. To enter. The password every time a purchase of goods and services through Google gameplay. And a confirmation email reply from Google. As Thailand Boeing Boeing.
.The Advanced Wireless Network (AWN), a subsidiary of Advanced Info Service or AIS, the system, will be open again on, 22 July. By setting limits. Paid is not more than 1 000 baht, and send SMS to the number of users as well as send SMS to the number. Of parents. The introduction starts dial-in network of AIS However NBTC. Would test the system before opening it.To check that after purchasing a system with alerts via text message or SMS to the user?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..