3 Nong of charcoal.Nong thousand charcoal. The 5 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be in et4 Nong people.Nong heads, the 6 Village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed5. Thonglang.Home thonglang moo 7 village in District, Nong thousand coal district may be in et6. The high.These houses is high, the 8 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed7. Spread.The house distribution, the 9 Village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed8. Olives.The house, olives, the 10 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district can Province, ROI et,9. Khaem.Ban Kham, Mu 11 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be in et10 bonfire north.Ban Kham over the 12 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed11 Nong of charcoal.Nong thousand charcoal. The 13 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be in et12 olive south.The house under the olive 14 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed13 Nong head south.Ban Nong Hua South. The 15 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be in et14. Spread.The house distribution, the 16 village in tambon Nong thousand coal district may be able to in hundred ed15 thonglang south.The house under the 17 thong Lang village in District, Nong thousand coal district may be province atherosclerotic.
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