I have a true love waits Land somewhere
there is someone waiting. There
is still a significant overlap. In anticipation of a long
day, I probably would not have
been hurt many times. When the latter collapsed
to one that was the last
she is of me. How far will
it go to the land of the
request to remove the word love. Every word I've never had
to ask for it from people who had come
to ask include the word love these. Increasing the value and meaning
to ask her to put out the single
sheet of water across the horizon, the mountains or the desert
far to go to
be a true love waits. Land somewhere
there is someone waiting. There
is still a significant overlap. In anticipation of a long
day, I probably would have come
across the horizon or mountains. Across a vast sheet of water
, but I'm going to find her
over the horizon, the water or the mountains and the desert
far to go to
be a true love waits. Land somewhere
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