"(1) land rent housing construction other or platform according to the characteristics of the instrument 1. Of accounting rate of stamp duty, following
(). The rent from 1, exhibitions, exhibitions of baht.
.(b) the organization of the government, municipal sanitation, or local government เป็นผู้เช่า or
(c) must register with the competent recipient listed and juristic act according to processing of land law "
.Article 2 give in (3) of Article 2 of the notification of revenue on stamp duty (ฉบับท. 37) about the duty how to settle as money instead of off duty stamps for instruments, some styles. Dated 2 December 2008Now, and make use of the following instead
"(3) hire. According to the characteristics of the instrument. The account of stamp duty rates following
(a) have minority since. Regard, script, baht, or
.(b) the organization of the government, municipal sanitation, or local government เป็นผู้ว่าจ้าง and wages since, and exhibitions. Baht "
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..