Mobile Payment is a payment transaction through a network of mobile phone systems. Using mobile phones as a medium to transfer money or make payments to merchants, as well as to pay for goods or services on the Internet. -The source, the user must select and apply to linked to a mobile phone to cut funds to the bank account, the funds are credit cards or electronic (e-Money) -Mobile Payment models currently available include the Mobile banking services of the Bank (bank transfer or pay for goods and services) and the Money which is True, and mPay provider e-Money mobile phone. -Different types of technologies used to connect Mobile Payment service information, such as sending SMS through mobile phone networks. How to WAP (Wireless Application Protocal) or HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocal) over a network, Internet or RFID technology (Radio-Frequency Identification) that uses radio wave receiver range near at the point of sale. Send information to pharue chip supplied in mobile phones.
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