Soil pollution (Soil Pollution or Land Pollution) soil pollution refers to the depreciation in value of the same or a pollutant exceeds the limit the harm to health and wellbeing as well as the growth of plants and animals, both by direct way. and indirect soil pollution caused by the destruction or impairment of the quality and characteristics of the conditions are. Caused by pollutants (Pollutant) that cause pollution, soil particle size can be dispersed into the air and soil pollutants that cause air pollution , soil pollution, dangerous one. Harmful to human beings to be toxic compounds, nitrate. Nitrite in pesticides from drinking water. Water use in agriculture, and from agricultural sources 2. Dangerous animal animals living in the soil will be poisoned by exposure to toxins in the soil directly and by consuming foods that contain toxins associated toxins that have been mostly pesticides, in addition to destroying pests ago. also destroy natural enemies, which is caused by parasitic infestations of some insects that harm crops later in the third. Harmful to plants and soil organisms , plants will absorb the poison. Causing abnormal growth low or harm. And the extinction Bacteria that generate nitrate in the soil. If you get pesticide causes soil pollution 1. The scientific use of fertilizers To increase agricultural productivity can be divided into two major groups of chemical fertilizers that contain important element of plant 2. The use of chemical pesticides (pesticides), most of which already have the power to destroy all living things, whether it is a kind of useful or harmful to agriculture. Even with the human impact Chemical decomposition is slow to residues in soil 3. Allowing the waste water from the production process. Most wastewater from these processes will occur through leaching chemicals. In industries such as PCBs (PCB) used in the production of paints and plastics H. Brooks (HCB) , used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber 4. Most of the trash soil pollution caused by the waste caused by substances such as chemicals, which are difficult to decompose. Can these residues accumulate in the soil and cause pollution in the soil also increased the amount of spam without eliminating the right way.
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