The current changes in the political, social, economic conditions have come to influence the living conditions of the people more. Result in a change in lifestyle to be struggling for survival of themselves and others. The work is important and it is necessary absolutely shot to make the objectives (diamond wat, 2537 rings: 1-114), a meaningful life is comparable to the demand of food each day, as long as the food they need to do the same job that mostly work.Silica one of life rather than the life, passed on a daily basis from the day. Monday to Friday (Cameron, 2531:12). It can be seen that at the time of your life working for 24 hours each day, most of them living on the job and in the workplace. Approx. 7-8 hours, or if you are comparing the same time as the half life (pat masiri hospital and mosque waiting for Wi-Fi at Burin by David Poe, Suwan 2554:5) that will need to work with colleagues of different environmental conditions in the workplace, including cover people found the Quran.The na is in the work environment (siriporn the victory, Vishnu mahima 2554:10-11). Some people work until the work was done until it exceeds the designated hours or remove the file back to continue at home. By the time devoted to high sometimes forget that passion to work is just one of life's only role. The rest is to act in other roles, regardless of whether it is the role of the father. My wife, friend, mother or her husband. People who give priority to over the role the other side until the lack of balanced life until he was unable to extract private time with time running out. We call these people "idiot" The disease is most common in the crazy job, originally men only Japan which is called but Workaholic disease or disease present in society, Thailand (sub-district administrative organization of rubber bridge, 2551 (2008)) symptoms of "mad men"In the midst of our society nowadays people in Thailand, we have to work very hard. In order to have enough income for the family, especially in the Group fed the workers at construction or recently created a new family for some people to work harder on the rise as many times. Because there is a demand for a facility such as a House, car, etc., and from working harder, it might become a threat to your health and mind, without. Realizing finally that person as a result of "a crazy disease." Disease or disease activity KeyZ nado SIM Office job. Currently, this disease is found in Thailand, where people traditionally to be found only in males, only Japan which is called a disease or disorder work Workaholic. People who like to work hard If you hear the name of this disease may be panic. But in fact, disease activity KeyZ nado SIM Office or job, this is not a serious disease and a horrible thought just one mental deficiencies, but if not treated, may cause subsequent physical disease.นพ.วชิระ เพ็งจันทร์ รองอธิบดีกรมสุขภาพจิต กล่าวว่า โรคออฟฟิศซินโดรมหรือโรคบ้างาน เดิมทีจะพบมากในผู้ชายญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้น แต่ทุกวันนี้พบในสังคมไทยแล้วและจากการสำรวจประชากรวัยแรงงานหรือวัยทำงานของประเทศไทยพบว่ามีจำนวนถึงร้อยละ 67 ของจำนวนประชากรทั่วประเทศซึ่งจะส่งผลให้โรคนี้มีแนวโน้มจะเพิ่มมากขึ้น และอาจกลายเป็นภัยที่คุกคามสุขภาพได้ หากใช้ชีวิตในวัยทำงานอย่างไม่ระมัดระวัง ซึ่งโอกาสเสี่ยงที่จะเป็นโรคนี้สามารถพบได้ทั้งชายและหญิง เพราะทุกวันนี้ผู้หญิงไทยออกไปทำงานนอกบ้านกันมากขึ้น เนื่องมาจากสังคมไทยมีการแข่งขันกันสูง การให้ฝ่ายชายไปทำงานนอกบ้านฝ่ายเดียวอาจจะไม่พอรายจ่ายภายในครอบครัว โรคบ้างานจะพบได้มากโดยเฉพาะในกลุ่มคนที่มีบุคลิกเป็นคนสมบูรณ์แบบ เจ้าระเบียบ ชอบแข่งขัน มีความทะเยอทะยาน เอาจริงเอาจังในทางจิตวิทยาเกิดจากพฤติกรรมของคนที่ชอบทำงานเยอะและมีความสุขจากการทำงานซึ่งจะสะท้อนออกมาในรูปแบบของการเสพติดงาน มีจิตใจคิดวนเวียนอยู่กับการทำงาน"The initial symptoms are observed from this disease include headaches, shoulder pain, headache pain, occipital Dim eyesight eye muscles, which results in the loss of the body until it becomes a cause of diseases such as heart disease and other deadly diseases and stomach, and if you're observing people with symptoms of the disease, the task will become mad, people looking for anything to obstruct to obstruct eye-ear to him. Kiao gunships with a colleague. The talk is not the same, but only a matter of time affect the relationship in the family.Best of crazy warning signs can be observed close to the people themselves and that the work is too hard? And observe each other regularly, such as observing mutual communication. The address that shows symptoms bit color page Mood chunchiao together, these declines are considered warning signs of madness ""When I noticed the change in the family, which is a basic alarm, need to recognize that the knowledge might have to adjust goals in life. Planning a new life. Slowing demand would be the most important and it is to recognise knowledge sharing within the family. To contribute to the best possible editing guidelines ".Disease or disease activity KeyZ nado SIM Office job. Be protected and maintained manually, if not maintained, may lead to other serious disease. ...
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