Luang Pu purple Temple House Tuan Kanchanaburi
pommel สิงคิ you now (purple จันทสโร) Temple House Tuan. บ้านทวน (now renamed Phanom Thuan district. Chiang Kan Ron Buri) Kanchanaburi escort on Tuesday, up 8 night the moon 3 goat goat of 23 6 6 at home.Home Tuan.)Kanchanaburi. You father believe you mother's name fiber was no surname has the same parents Brothers 3 people. When she was 11 years old, which is the old age should be learning. Parents have to leave the bishop Si Wat ban Thuan, which is close to home.I have to go to school. The good son who went to serve an ฐาก teacher is a disciple monk, to serve. ที่วัดเสร็จ boarding tuition. Anyhow. Learning not to learn but the book but only.Such as mechanics, and in others. The popular at that time because the temple is the source of all arts and Sciences
.He studied with the industry. The knowledge of read and write is worthy to be popular in those days. Fine ass teacher come out to help parents occupation, strength of family, with a habit of lying to teach you is easy.Also has a strong body so extensive, courage, wisdom will learn of any branch, be successful because of this. When the young generation have clans, friends. Look the people speak seriously. Ever.Because the temple for many years
.At the age of 21 years to ordination at plane Temple House adverse the rector Si is พระอุ ปัช ฌาย. Teacher Chang Temple House Tuan is the กรรมวาจาจารย์. Parts of the อนุสาวนาจารย์ also find evidence is also going to know who that is.But this story, one story. Listen to the still confused. I believe that you are wandering monk from the province. A tea made พิรอด ring, famous, knitting patterns and beautiful, have both พิรอด and ring finger arm so will said the next
.The purple, called the จันทสโร ordained and study the Dhamma and Vinaya. Recite the prayer right until the end. It is noteworthy that the Buddhist monk throws the freedom in rural old prayer, will bring the where around, never pray to fall. Loud and clear. The melody.Melodic style vividly to take early because of slow because of that era, like except studying Scripture study ธรรมกรรม base, humble วิปัสสนาธุระ. Training and mental power.Evil, called who who, if missed can not go back to measure throw away their lives the wise the forest. Disease is severe. In the past it was really not thrive wilderness like today. The territory muangkan contact with Myanmar.The Queen's stove city to report. And the monks purple this pilgrimage to the Burmese king said. Since you have patience to difficulties with strong mind
.You are a diligent and strictly on the Vinaya, never missing a say prayers to Buddha prayer. Interested in การศึกษาเล่าเรียน enough to be ordained. 8. Is the tick mark in wat ban Thuan After years of 12 Abbot house Tuan is vacant.And the ecclesiastical commune chiefs called Abbot purple. You have the ability and the ganthadhura วิปัสสนาธุระ. So there were many people respect the ceremony known as the อุปัชฌายะ ordination well-to-do family, year one of things.Later period.6. The thesis. Krom Phraya Maha conversion Bangkok Wat bowonniwet Vihara, bishop. Went checking clergy in County Department came in Kanchanaburi He saw the possibility of the clergy in Kanchanaburi province.Since the school LDS radiation (change) primate city, always to the primate district district and the superintendent.
.Likewise, in this regard, the abbot purple Temple House Tuan age old time to Royal years, travel ไปรับเสด็จ to Kanchanaburi And said to work fluently, please. Don't put that old and stay still.As word of the Buddha that Children learn knowledge. Wisdom is better than an old man who did not learn without knowledge. But older but only, it can be seen that the abbot purple you don't hold your old ageSo the thesis Maha company went answer to wat ban Thuan It is shown the will and aid in textbook to learn. The discipline that he dress, such as the demarcation วินัยมุข. Said wanna, etc. the antecedent.The temple houses many adverse growth education By virtue of the abbot purple
.When the Maha thesis has returned.8. 24 for ranks officers to Abbot purple wat ban Thuan District, is the school สิงคิ primate - creator, this name formerly สิงคี a faculty as the primate city, Temple Temple (temple children spending a period of time).Pass away, B.Professor good 5 4 in setting up this new solution is the school he สิงคิ you now, get the sequence of touch, age from the เจ้าคณะจังหวัด down as follows:
LDS radiation. South Temple
สิงคิ you human wat ban repeat
jariya; Ararat wat Nong white
.Be living pibulsri measuring Si metal the maintenance business.
vadhana clergyman temple, wat Nong BUA
new state fluorescence objects made ารโสภณ don chedi Temple (Temple of prachantakham)
.The priest Father violet at that time. Kanchanaburi advance all four elements together is the Provost (change) measures the LDS radiation under เป็นพระราชาคณะ name. That the net radiation. Shin Buddhism sophi สังฆปาโมกข์ primate, Mueang KanchanaburiWat Si metal people. A teacher be observances pibulsri primate.). Set the rector. Measure the สังฆาร three (Temple) is a business school vadhana clergyman The name Maha Buddhist monk. Has thought of for his superior.Is called a good name. Lord, this is พระราชาคณะชั้นเทพ later. The professing radiation เจ้าคณะจังหวัด Kanchanaburi. The father change of measure under a king.
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