2. What are the seven stages of the organizational buying decision process and what are the implications for sales people at each stage? The purchasing habits of your organization or your organization's market means a group of persons or organizations that purchase products for the manufacturing industry. Services, the operation of the undertaking, or to extend the behavior of the enterprise market, purchase, market, market, industry or market, two is bound to produce and market the vendor or plug. 1. the elementThe 4 factors of organization factors 1. environmental factors (Environmental factor) as external factors, such as the economy, technology, physical organization. Politics Law, culture, the environment, these factors influence the seller to match production. Consumers. State Governments, labor, trade associations, etc. 2. internal organization (Organizational factors) is every organization has different characteristics, regardless of the purpose. Policies, procedures and systems corporate structures within the element.3. interpersonal factors (Interpersonal factors) are factors that influence, which is in the process of buying, including the role of the originator, the user who decides who has influence and control, including resource information and expertise. 4. specific human factors (Individual factors), considering the age, income, education, profession, attitudes toward individuality and cultural risks. 7P's1. product (Product) is offered by a business for sale to the customer's requirements, satisfaction. Products, goods or services offered for sale may be tangible or non-tangible products consists of items, it is services ideas. Places the organization or person. The product must have the utility (Utility), (Value) is the value in the eyes of the customer, so the product can be sold, such as a wide variety of products (Produce Variety), the name of the brand of the product (Brand Name) product quality (Quality) to get the same product specification (Warranties), and return the product (Returns)2. the price (Price) is the value of a product is the price in money P. The second occurred the next product cost price (Cost) of the customers or consumers to compare the specification value (Value) available product price (Price) if the value is higher than the price of the products they purchase decision. The appropriate strategy to set the pricing of goods and services. Important points to consider about the price: the price of goods specified in a list or a specific price (List Price), price discounts (Discounts), with a price (Allowances) with the period of payment (Payment Period), and the prices, terms, credit (Credit Terms).3. Distributor (Place), a sculptor of channel structure, which consists of institutions and activities. Used to move products and services provided by the Organization to the market. The Institute brought a product to a target market.4. the marketing campaign (Promotion) refers to a communication concerning data between vendors. To create a light motto and the purchasing habits of communication may be used to make the sale staff (Personal Selling), and communicate without person (Non Personal Selling) a tool to communicate with many who may choose to use one or more of the primary tools used instruments combined and coordinated communications (IMC Integrated Marketing Communication:) in considering the suitability of the customer, and competitor products.5. personnel service provider (People) personnel to provide after sales service. Personnel service provider requires the selection (Selection), training (Training) motivation (Motivation) to be able to build customer satisfaction. With the creative initiative There is a cam can be a vehicle for resolving the issue, and can create good corporate values.6. create and present the physical characteristics (Physical Evidence and Presentation) is to create an environment of enterprise location. The design, decoration, or segment of the space, and other physical characteristics, including equipment, tools that are used to provide a service that can attract consumers and make visible the image of the Organization over the competitors.7. service process (Process) refers to the procedure for distribution of products, goods or services that will be required to deliver the quality of service to customers quickly and accurately build customer satisfaction.
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