Man gets nose cavity wall ... How do surgery (Septoplasty) Assoc Prof. pan ... Sana's SenNose diseases branch and allergy Department of Audiology Nasik la ring master Faculty of Medicine Siriraj HospitalFaculty of medicine siriraj hospital The man with the nose cavity wall (deviated nasal septum) will make the symptoms of nose on either side than the other side. In addition, it may be the cause of pain in the nose cavity (sinonasal pain), acute sinusitis, which is repeated (recurrent acute sinusitis), chronic sinusitis (chronic sinusitis), ritsiduang disease, nose (nasal polyp), diseases of the ear, middle class [, such as obstruction of u-tube station (eustachian tube dysfunction) and Ocean makes the ears or noise in ears], Kamdao blood flow (epistaxis), and symptoms of snoring (snoring) and/or dementia Alzheimer disease (obstructive sleep apnea) Such complications, the surgery corrected by surgery through the nose, it does not have a wound or surgical suture is visible outside of the list, with the exception of the wall channels of the nose, the man is very front, there may be a small skin wound in a wall cavity, nose to the front of the lower part, which is small and almost invisible. The doctor's surgical stitches in the nose cavity with soluble? This surgery is sometimes performed in conjunction with the radio frequency decreases the size of the nose lining, surgical treatment of sinusitis or allergy ritsiduang nose by means of endoscopy. This surgery may use local anesthesia, or how the goverment anaesthetic depending on the doctor who performed the surgery and the patient. Prior to the surgery. The doctor will check the integrity of the body and the assessments of patients before surgery, such as a blood test or urine test lung radiation photography electrocardiography, but necessary for the individual patient. For patients with certain types of medication, such as aspirin, blood vessels grow drugs or medications against blood clotting. Doctors may stop such drugs before surgery for several days. Patients should maintain a healthy, strong, well enough. Avoid people who are not sick to prevent the flu or an infection of the respiratory system, which may cause the need to postpone the surgery. Using a local anesthetic If doctors perform the surgery using a local anesthetic The patient can come to the hospital for surgery, making appearances at all. Using a local anesthetic was vulnerable to complications such as heart shake in front of dark wind's ears, but these symptoms usually disappear manually. The goverment anaesthetic The patient will need to come to the hospital in 1 day before surgery so that doctors would be 1981 prepare for goverment anaesthetic for dawn to surgery. Returns the day before surgery. The doctor will abstain from food and water, after midnight to prevent choked on food and water into the lungs when goverment anaesthetic. The Government had a chance to expose anaesthetic complications such as swelling of the audio cable from the audio haep. Lung inflammation from the inhale breath choked due to swelling of the respiratory tract, but these complications are found very little. In the list of those who have severe symptoms may need to insert the breathing tube (endotracheal tube) after the surgery was completed, and in the Chamber of the patients after surgery, 1 night to observe respiration after surgery.Returns the day before surgery. Patients will receive a cut nose hairs to prepare the area to perform surgery. After surgery, there is the material used for bleeding in the nose cavity on both sides. Making patients have symptoms, so screening oral breathing nose until the doctor to remove the material, do not bleed, which may cause a burning sensation in the throat, dry or sore throat, sipping a glass of water and it's a good idea to have to wash and rinse mouth to mouth and throat rinsing frequently. The patient may have a sore nose, from surgical incisions or contain blood or snot saliva have? The patient should not pull the material out of nose bleeding in the cavity itself because it may cause more bleeding. After surgery, patients will receive the drug, painkiller, antimicrobial drugs, decrease swelling, contraction, vascular medicine drops to nose bleeding type (topical decongestant), medications to reduce itching, sneezing and runny nose to nose carefully wired, salt water are at arms. When the patient is eating good. The doctor will remove the string, salt water. The patient can take painkillers such as paracetamol when necessary. แพทย์จะนำวัสดุที่ใส่ไว้ในโพรงจมูกออกภายใน 24-48 ชั่วโมง หลังผ่าตัด พยาบาลจะสอนให้ล้างทำความสะอาดช่องจมูกด้วยตนเอง เพื่อทำการล้างจมูกต่อที่บ้าน ซึ่งโดยทั่วไป ผู้ป่วยควรล้างจมูก หลังจากที่แพทย์เอาวัสดุห้ามเลือดออกแล้ว ประมาณ48 ชั่วโมง ถ้าไม่มีเลือดออกที่ผิดปกติ ผู้ป่วยควรล้างจมูกทำความสะอาดโพรงจมูกด้วยน้ำเกลืออุ่น วันละ 2 – 4 ครั้ง ในช่วงหลังเอาวัสดุห้ามเลือดออกใหม่ ๆ อาจจะมีไข้ หรือมีอาการบวม หรือรู้สึกติดๆ ขัดๆ ตึงๆคล้ายมีสิ่งแปลกปลอมอยู่ในโพรงจมูกหรือมีเสียงเปลี่ยนได้ ซึ่งอาการดังกล่าวมักจะหายไปเองภายใน 1 สัปดาห์ หลังจากที่แพทย์เอาวัสดุห้ามเลือดออกแล้ว 24-48 ชั่วโมง เยื่อบุจมูกอาจบวมมากขึ้น ทำให้อาการคัดจมูกมากขึ้นได้ ดังนั้นจึงควรนอนศีรษะสูง โดยใช้หมอนหนุน หรือนอนบนที่นอนที่สามารถปรับความเอียงได้ อมและประคบน้ำแข็งบ่อยๆบริเวณหน้าผากหรือลำคอ ในช่วงสัปดาห์แรก เพื่อลดอาการบวมและเลือดออกบริเวณที่ทำผ่าตัด In General, If there are no complications. The patient will go home. After the surgery, the doctor will provide you with 3-4 days in patients hospitalized for approximately 1 week at home, the patient can perform daily routines as usual, but should avoid.Avoid the intense nose snot to extricate order or affect on the nose, very strong issue to subtracted sport mode or heavy lifting after surgery because it can cause bleeding from the wound that lining the nose. If there is blood.From the nose or throat opening should be flowing high head room to feed a drug artery contraction type nose drops to bleeding that doctors ordered the 3-4 drops in each side of the nose cavity. Apply the ice compress on the forehead or neck is dyed ice so that blood stopped. To compress or an ice compress should be dyed or dyed, for about 10 minutes and then remove about 10 minutes and then compress or new offerings for 10 minutes to do this, even if the bleeding does not stop or very unusual, such as cups, glasses should be rushed to the hospital immediately. Complications that may be caused by surgery, such as infection of surgical area, bleeding in the lining wall channels of the nose (septal hematoma) if there is an infection occurs, there may be a rupture of the wall cavity, nose to nose collapsed (saddle nose deformity), the occurrence of symptoms which the lips on the front 4 teeth tooth area. If this occurs.
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