Traditional medicine is Thai for health promotion and disease prevention in the community, students can be applied to suit their own communities. The following example
1.Massage. Wisdom is precious in the treatment. Health promotion in body and mind of the Thai people. Which is inherited from the past to the present, and a culture.Wife to husband, child massage massage ancestors by various organs, such as the elbow, knee, foot massage, also developed using the equipment in the massage. Such as wood press abdomen NOM Sao massage can be divided into 2, namely the massage of the court.The benefits of massage are good for your health in many areas, such as stimulating the nervous system, increase the efficiency of the respiratory system. Help activate blood circulation and lymph. Reduce the contraction of muscles.2.Application of herbs. Wisdom is the traditional medicine with inherited from their ancestors for a long time. The use of herbs wrapped with cloth is called compress compress to the steaming hot compress the area with fatigue.Sprain to help relieve the pain which herbs used to make most of it compress oil evaporation. When steaming hot and essential oil, which is a medicine out with steam and moisture.Help to treat sprains, reduce swelling and inflammation of the muscles, ligaments and joints. นอกจากนี้ความร้อน from the compress also stimulates the blood circulation. Help yourself ยาซึ team through the skin better.Born also refreshing
.3.Water, herbs, vegetables and healthy food Food and drinking water in addition to help the body growth was strong in normal.One is caused by the wisdom of their fathers, Seung Think about the additives food and drink with vitamin body. Through the integration of knowledge Along with the way of life of the people harmoniously, such asFlatulence flatulence, solve the heat water Asiatic, thirsty, coconut juice diuretic to reduce fever, fresh.Such as basil spicy solve the faint, dizziness, lemongrass, upset stomach, reduce blood pressure. Lemon is sour to prevent scurvy pumpkin with beta carotene, high restorative and tamarind is used as a laxative. To twist, etc.!4.Meditation, prayer, and prayer for the treatment of disease. As a way of life and beliefs. Faith in Buddhism of the Thai popular practice taking place.In particular, mental health Meditation pray and pray for help confused mind and kite shares what calm, happy, relax the stress concentration and wisdom. Current medical research found that prayer. Pray.Good for the lungs, respiratory system, besides meditation for a long time to relieve the anxiety, the body gets relaxation
.5.Thai exercises or exercises the hermit exercise Is the wisdom of medicine made from ten fry tells to each other of the priest, observance, monks, or popular Buddhist meditation Meditation.By I not a stunt or force the body too. People can do. And when treated properly to help maintain fatigue. Allows the movement of the arms, legs, or joints is skillfully.Concentrate, relieve stress and increase the efficiency of the breathing
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