1. If the size of the area over 25 acres, or areas not consistent, as a smaller converter then convert numbering them.2. sampling soil around 15-20 points in each of the transform submenu.3. sampling of soil using a shovel or hoe for each point a sharp axe-shaped pit excavation or wedge, with a depth of about 3 cm in the case of field crops such as rice, maize, but common use of only 10 cm in depth, because it has a shallow root system than the cornmeal, then use a trowel to gnaw a hole on one side of the soil, the soil has a thickness of 2-3 cm of soil vertical splitting into 3 equal parts soil, which will be shaped like the noodles, use only the three central (Central line). An example is the clay clay 1 point, which is a soil sample depth from surface down to the butt hole and bring samples of soil, put together in a plastic canister.4. mix the soil in, mix well and pour it onto the fabric, plastic, clay, mix into one again, if the ground is wet on the banned because sunlight may make the results of soil analysis, soil sub tolerances as small mounds of soil, is divided into four formats fachi store soils only one section, repeat until remaining heavy about half a kilo, for use in the analysis.5. If the ground is wet, Tak indoors and then grind it thoroughly clean glass bottles may be used, and then store the bag and write the number assigned to it.
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