The genetic genes and chromosomes, genes, gene (gene) is a gene on chromosome (chromosome) are arranged like a bead necklace. Controls various characteristics Genetically from parents to offspring. The people will have about 50,000 genes, each gene to gene regulation in nature. Genetic just one appearance Certain genes control traits are two types : 1. dominant gene (dominant gene) is a gene that characterize it out even a single gene, a gene that is only two. Gene (recessive gene) is a gene that can be shown to be forthcoming. When a gene two genes on a chromosome chromosome chromosome (chromosome) in the cells of an organism contains a nucleus membrane, cytoplasm when Microscopic view the nuclei of cells that are dividing the structure. a long line of small helical structure is referred to as chromatin (chromatin) on cell chromatin tightly coiled up and shortened. There is a bar called chromosomes (chromosome) chromosome, each chromosome consists of two side arms called Sister chromatid (chromatid), which arms will point called Occasionally, (centromere).
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