Exploration for petroleum resources
.In the past, traces of oil seepage on the surface soil (Seepages) will be considered as the text indicates that under the ground in that area. The petroleum resources.Drilling petroleum resources in the first survey using random drilling exploration, but in the present. The process and procedure in the survey finds sources of petroleum. Whether it is a source of crude oil or natural gas source.To use the knowledge of Geology and Geophysics (Geology) (Geophysics) are widely and deeply. How great impetus to find sources of petroleum exploration has been developed.Both on land and in the sea. Is the fuel and energy of the society more. Moreover, petroleum resources that can explore, search And development of simple, decrease.Exploration for petroleum resources. A survey information related to size. Geometry of the source of petroleum. Depth from the surface of the source. To evaluate the reserves and quality of petroleum.Such as the pressure of the petroleum resources, the flow rate of petroleum. And the ability of producing petroleum. This kind of petroleum sources including accumulation. Step in petroleum exploration may identify a main steps.Steps of geological exploration survey, geophysical, and drilling exploration
.Geological Survey (Geological exploration)
.Exploration in this stage will start by gathering information about the geology of the area and vicinity, which have taken before. To evaluate for exploring further.Geologists to study the geology of the area, using aerial photographs and satellite photos, please consider the geological structure. (Geological structure).The analysis of the stone age. Analysis of rock samples the Geochemistry (Geochemical analysis) to find the source rock Petroleum (Source rock) and analyze the physical properties of rocks. Evaluation of geological exploration., which tend to have the possibility of the source rock, petroleum reservoir's potential (Reservoir rock), which will become a source of petroleum next
.Geophysical investigation (Geophysical exploration)
.Exploration in this stage the principles of physical properties of rock types, such as ด้านแม่เหล็กไฟฟ้า properties. The properties in the middle of a wave type, etc. as considerations to check สภาพธรณีวิทยา under the surface.Geological structure Using geophysical instruments in measuring the properties. Of the rock beneath the ground surface in deep space exploration, technical geophysics. Commonly used in exploration for petroleum resources.(Magnetic survey) for measuring gravitational (Gravity survey) and measurement of seismic wave of rock (Seismic survey) exploration geophysical to measure the intensity of the earth's magnetic field. And the gravitational measurementHas the potential to be a source of petroleum much profit. As well as the area of narrowing down to the geophysical techniques. With the seismic measurements of rock in the next step. To evaluate the alignment of the I rock.For help in determining the borehole survey. Geophysical investigation that can carry the whole area on land and in the sea areas
.Drilling exploration (Drilling exploration)
.When the evaluation of geological exploration. And geophysical investigation together. It can define structures are expected to petroleum reservoirs in preliminary and sequence to it will be drilling survey conducted byTo find information on geology. On the hierarchical rock beneath the surface deep, examine the rock. And confirm the geological structure underground. As well as to find traces of petroleum or petroleum.There will be additional education and check the information such as the style and quality of petroleum Age of petroleum storage type of rock, porosity of rock (Porosity) and properties of of ooze through rock (Permeability). In addition,To evaluate the ability to produce petroleum reservoir survey found. The next step will be drilling exploration more. To determine the extent to which the course of petroleum resources, the amount of the flow.For the evaluation of potential. The performance of petroleum production and commercial.
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