The study at an appropriate temperature and humidity, fungus, Fusarium births in the maize study environment. The appropriate temperature and humidity continued to cause Fusarium fungus that is a dangerous pollutant and, as a result, corn and consumers is causing the disease Fusarium stalk rot in maize rot early disease or contamination is caused by spores of passengers of air and to come up with a rathiphat stick with rice sheath.Variable temperature studies include a phot of the weather and the humidity by corn, each set in various locations, the trial period. 7 day trial with 4 places is set 1 set in the moisture. Series 2 set in outdoor Set 3 set in a solid box set 4 set in the fridge from the experimental results showed that 1 the rate measured in average temperature and average relative humidity ◦c 31 66% series 2 set on the outdoor temperature and relative humidity average 31 ◦c average 61% series 3 box set in solid average temperature and average relative humidity ◦c 30 61% 4 Pack set in refrigerator temperature and relative humidity average 12 ◦c average 32%
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