Crystal clear beautiful skin with lemon Ingredients 1 teaspoon lime juice, olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon. How to apply salt, olive oil, mixing it with enough lime juice to fill nuet and the concentration of people together and bring the salt Peel skin moles, skin dead and cleaning the skin. Best olive juice, lemon juice damage moist and helps clear up phiokrachang but it should not be mixed, too, because it was lemon can cause irritation, because lemon is acidic milieu. In addition, the lemon also helps get rid of oily skin with cotton plated stick to just apply lemon juice to your face thoroughly before bed. Then, leaving 1 night, then washed off in the morning, it would help, I could not make it. Teeth white with lime. Teeth whitening that is very expensive in General. But we can whiten without a lot of money just use lemon. Using baking soda mixed with lemon juice until bekking was born as Fong. Use a cotton bud dipped in the Green and came to think of wiping teeth area. Remove no more than 1 minute behind if left longer than it will cause tooth damage. Finish polishing with toothpaste will clean teeth without money freely!
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