The meaning of the flower, which is popular in respect to teachers.Eggplant flower, the flowers to bend down. Not a flower Chu. The ancients are the flowers for the Kru, whether it is a music teacher, teacher of boxing, a schoolteacher. Use eggplant flower. To a student will humble ready to learn the knowledge also various eggplant seeds to grow is very easy in, as well as Cynodon dactylon.Cynodon dactylon, a grass species thriving spread quickly. Cynodon dactylon flowers eggplant is meaningful potentially. The ancients is regarded as a sprain. If ya phraek eggplant flower Kru. The wisdom of children will flourish like ya phraek and eggplant flower itself.Popped. Because popped caused by paddy roasted with fire, light, heat, tie until the point that the meat inside expanding. To push the crust apart. Rice white expanded seeds out doors. Which can be applied to the rituals or pastry can be various, so it is the symbol of the discipline, popped If anyone can follow the rules. Overcome the misbehavior and their own laziness. I would like a popped rice white being roasted out of paddy.Ixora coccinea, because a flower spike tip. Wisdom is sharp like a flower spike, and it may be that the pollen of Ixora chinensis has a sweet taste. The use of flowers and Kru knowledge will benefit for life. The life is like the sweet taste of fresh flower spike.
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