The effects of วจิ Yap around wa. There are ปัจจยั several aspects that affected the ดบั stress and anxiety out of Gong.Therefore, students anGrade point average (GPA) affect the stress and anxiety of students due toThe students have a trick to exam may apply the examination Dai no good feel excited and shocked when Tom testOr acknowledge the exam results. The study found that sleeping. GA ลงั.Prepare a baked in the material as กบั face stress and anxiety Gong).Which found that stress is สัมพนั ธ์กบั effects and ฤทธ์ิ in study.The work affecting anxiety Gong, one of study due under the toilet where students work. Then there.Expected หวงั per ผลส, success in work. The Gong was effects on assignment when applying, no success.Send or not, based on GA set found that stress.And the anxiety Gong was in the associate. กบั, mental health is.
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