Liporase 1500 I.U. Injecttion I.M S.C (Korea) Mesofat by a special type of substance that can break up fat. Cellular line and reduce water catchment in the cell surface (swelling, water) is used and is used in the khachue clinic because of actual results and reduce fat only the face and body, excellent.Liporase is a special type of substance enhances the absorption and degradation of fat. Cellular line and reduce water catchment in the cell surface (water swelling) of the skin cell layer of face and body for removal of fluid beneath the skin layers and tissues involved in the House.As a special kind of fat and help to disseminate effective distribution act directly to reduce the fat and water catchment filled polymers, and certain types of adipocytes also affect restructuring connective tissue problems and help. Balanced skin, spyware infestation, or nearby, the most ever. Do not induce different patterns.Packing size:1 box contains 10 vial(1 vial x 1 ml)
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