Section 37 alien authorized to reside in the Kingdom temporarily. Need to do the following:(1) no career or obtain employment, unless authorized by the Director General or a staff on which assignment. If there is any case law on the work of the Aliens Act as otherwise required by law, then.(2) residential at the staff except in cases where there is reason not able to shelter at the staff, change the residential staff within twenty-four hours, but that time residence.(3) inform the police officer at a local police station where the alien housing within twenty-four hours from the time that moved to the. In case of change of residential address and, if different, the new shelter locations, the local police station, the original alien, they must inform the police officer at a local police station to the new residential within twenty-four hours, but the time goes by.(4) If a trip to the province, and which is in the province exceeded twenty-four hours, the aliens tell a police officer at a local police station within forty-eight hours, but the time to reach.(5) if it is in the Kingdom to exceed ninety days. The alien must be notify staff at immigration are aware of their shelters without delay when the distance of ninety days, and continue to provide the same distances as ninety days. If the stomach where there is immigration is located. Will inform the staff at the immigration services..Text in (3) and (4) the right to apply to any case under section 34 by the conditions by which the Director-General designate.Notifications in accordance with this section. The alien may be manually or have the staff notice it. This is according to the rules of the Director-General designate.Section 38 the home The owner or occupier or Manager, which is the urban hotel alien authorized to reside in the Kingdom are temporary occupants are required to inform the staff at the immigration desk located in the House or dwelling place hotel is located within twenty-four hours from the time the alien in the residence. If the belly is somehow not a immigration, tell a police officer at a local police station.In the case of the urban House or residential aliens under paragraph one, located in Bangkok, the staff at immigration.Notifications under paragraph one and paragraph two shall be in accordance with the Director-General designate.
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