As long as they are able to lay down the Ten Thousand Demonic, Spirit Array no matter how much money it took it would,, Be worth it. This is simply a life - saving talisman!Nie Li thought for a moment and said, "This will require a whole two months time.""W...... What? Two months?" Ye Xiu said forgetting his, prestige. He thought that he heard him incorrectly.Nie Li raised, his head quizzically looked at Ye Xiu and asked, "What 's wrong?"Such a powerful technique array even if, he spent ten, years time Ye Xiu wouldn 't find it long. Nie Li actually finds two. Months long? Two months time would be able to get another life-saving talisman for the Glory City? Thinking about, it here. Ye Xiu felt excited.He slightly cupped his hands and said, "As a representative of the City Lord 's Mansion. I Ye, for, Xiu request your help. Making this Ten Thousand Demonic Spirit Array. "Although the one standing in front is a thirteen-fourteen year, old kid. At this moment he didn ', t treat him as a kid.Nie Li shrugged his shoulders, "I 'm not free.""Not free?" Ye Xiu was stunned for a moment and immediately said, "This array concerns the safety of Glory City. Being. One of Glory City ', s member how can...... "Before Ye Xiu, finished speaking Nie Li interrupted, "You are correct I ', m a member of the Glory City. But I don t have.' Any obligation to help the City Lord 's Mansion in, this matter right? It' s not impossible to help you guys laying down this. Ten Thousand Demonic Spirit Array but Senior, Ye Xiu you can ', t be a representative of the City Lord', s Mansion right? If. You want me to help you in laying down the Ten Thousand Demonic Demon Spirit Array at least, get the City Lord himself to. Come and talk to me. "It 's not impossible to help them lay down the Ten Thousand Demonic Spirit Array. Although Nie Li s cultivating speed is.' Shocking reaching Gold, rank or even Black Gold rank would require at least half a year or longer. Using two month s time. ' To make a life - saving talisman for Glory City isn 't that bad.However in matter Ye, this, Zong has to personally come and beg him. He was just beaten to the point of vomitting blood. By, Ye Zong and now helping Ye Zong in laying down the Ten Thousand Demonic Demon Spirit Array. He 's not so easy to bully!Hearing Nie Li ', s words Ye Xiu was slightly stunned. He understood Nie Li' s meaning and said, "Nie Li as long, as you are. Willing to help us to lay down the Ten Thousand Demonic Spirit Array you will, make a huge contribution to the entire Glory. City. We can provide you with a large amount of training resources...... ""Wait!" Nie Li waved his hand and asked, "In Senior Ye Xiu ', s opinion what training resources can the City Lord s Mansion.' Provide me? "
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