where R=hourly delivery rate per vehicle
t = delivery cycle time computed by
at = the available time in 1 hr witch adjustment for time loss
the total number of vehicles ( trucks , AGVs , trolleys , carts ,etc. ) needed to satisfy a specified total delivery schedule R in the system can be estimated by first
calculating the total workload required and then dividing by the avaible time per vehicles .
workload is defined as the total amount of work , expressed in terms of time , that must be accomplished by the material transport system in hr.
This can be expressed as follows.
where r = hourly delivery rate per vehicle
t = delivery cycle time computed by
at = the available time in 1 hr witch adjustment for time loss
the total number of vehicles (trucks, agvs, trolleys, carts, etc.) needed to. satisfy a specified total delivery schedule r in the system can be estimated by first
.calculating the total workload required and then dividing by the avaible time per vehicles.
workload is defined as the total amount of work, expressed in terms of time, that must be accomplished by the material transport system in hr.
This can be expressed as follows.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
where R=hourly delivery rate per vehicle
t = delivery cycle time computed by
at = the available time in 1 hr witch adjustment for time loss
the total number of vehicles ( trucks , AGVs , trolleys , carts ,etc. ) needed to satisfy a specified total delivery schedule R in the system can be estimated by first
calculating the total workload required and then dividing by the avaible time per vehicles .
workload is defined as the total amount of work , expressed in terms of time , that must be accomplished by the material transport system in hr.
This can be expressed as follows.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Where R = hourly rate per vehicle delivery delivery cycle time T =
computed by at = the time available in 1 HR witch time adjustment for loss
the total number of vehicles (trucks, AGVs, trolleys, carts, etc) needed to satisfy a specified Total R delivery schedule in the system can be estimated by first
calculating the total workload required and then dividing by the time per vehicles avaible.
workload is defined as the total amount of work, expressed in terms of time, that must be accomplished by the material transport system in HR.
This can be expressed as follows.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..