-If they try to stop standing heels together Head and shoulders upright -Enough arm swing. Not too much but not does not swing at all. -Do not walk, to shift back and forth until the hips part ugly. -A woman without a man and men's khuengkhang stance not walking feminine tuamtiam. 2. place the Executive Secretary should have the verb. Polite words Use the appropriate words, smile to welcome those who come in contact with the proper etiquette of the verb. Humble, polite Secretary must give respect. There are senior people and regard with great colleagues. Do not hold the arrogant yoe Neutrality Do not use the power of the executives claim not to come to the Executive Secretary, to gossip, listen to and resolve the problem. Do not use emotion to control angry emotions, recognize the need to resolve the issue. Their edgy mood. Not to bad a job and will have to cooperate sincerely with colleagues there, everyone is friendly, that love of found it. Characteristics such as personality posing (Personality) that includes an expression both physical, emotional, intellectual, verbal nonverbal gestures, quirks and other personal habits, abilities, all that is characteristic of a particular person, which makes each person has different behavior e.Another kakhon People who have a good personality, is a favorite of those who have seen a man anyone wanted to consort with known. Each person's personality is something to melt the accumulated increase as time goes by, according to life expectancy. Based on the age of the individual, there are many environmental factors that affect a person's personality, we gradually changed as the development of personality under the various factors that cause melting cast in individual personality in the personality structure of 4 categories: 1. personality is a personality that's designed to show off the side body or the physical personality, most genetically influenced since birth. 2. the personality, intelligence, personality or brain side part comes from a genetic basis but part came from environmental conditions. Someone who comes from a good genetic If I get a good environment, such as occurs in families with parenting, there are good, good food, good education, good mental health, family, warmth, and these campaigns with intellect, personality, the way we are. 3. social personality. Social environment in each moment of life that surround us are. Whether it is within the family environment. Love, enthusiasm. The warmth from the economic environment, parenting Education, religion, culture, tradition These things will affect the people's personality. In each society. 4. emotional personality. The mood is feeling the psychological symptoms such as panic, physical expression, rejoice, angry, fearful, etc, people who are angry, angry emotional personality, easy to spoil not frowning face is popular with the common people, so it should recognize the emotional control by training the mind, known as a concentrate or to practice vipassanā meditation. Which is one way to help improve the mood of the people.
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