The theory of awake and theory of temptation!Human behavior - the fundamentals of psychology
.Other factors which influence human behavior is one of the factors, including psychological factors, which is the minor factors in many factors, psychological factors, To act.Other important psychological factors include motivation and learning
1 motivation 1.1 meaning, types and factors
.Driven from within that makes human behavior response direction and goal, called the motivation, a motivation to do. One was higher than the behavior will use the effort actions towards the target higher.Of human motivation can be classified into 2 main types. The first type, including physical motivation For human behavior meet the necessary physical, such as find water and food, drinking or eating. When thirsty and hungry. The second type, i.e.Social needs, such as the need for success, money, compliments power group and the. Factors influencing motivation in humans include
1.1.1 biological factors, including the needs of life, food, water, security
1.1.2 emotional factors such as anxiety, fear, excitement, anger, love, hate, and any other feelings that people's behavior from generous so far. Killing others
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