I think the student is not bad news, he told me. That is not good, is to "force" to enter 10303. The kotkhreng is khrat. Need to enter your student to school. Do not put the blame directly on this matter, which I have more than that makes many people don't like the schoolgirl.If asked, now try to cancel. No need to enter 10303, who proved to be inserted. I think a little more, because most of it to friends, or bored, find that Chuck.But if Let's say in the first place, it is not mandatory to enter 10303 every day but there is a collection of school, enter only the important day. School work etc I think most students enter 10303 proud lot more.Subject to comparison. Segregated from the dress up. It is a matter that should be taught not to do this, not to think, not avoid, by forcing the same wear as adults, it is also faced this idea of separating the classes because they do not have to understand the instruction. Accept differences, hiring other people.The damage done, I do not agree with. Wears it different already. Anyway, it must be done at the Office, but it is not mandatory, all very much the same dress just want a shirt is not showy choet etc.The more economy stories Forced to buy a new set of three to four additional save set is not included in the sport where Scout series series please bags, etc.I concluded that the student is better then me, but that is to force should enter 10303. If your a real good that it would not force insert. If force is necessary, I'm sure it must be updated.
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