porcelain elephant shopping components 2 pieces
1 cup orange juice orange skin scraping 2 Effects (Tips: grated orange skin not to stick ส่วนสีขาว because it has a bitter taste. If there is no scrape the skin using a sharp knife, slice of orange peel off the thin and shreds)
thyme leaves 2 swipe spoon table
.Tablespoon lemon juice honey 2
1 tablespoon soy sauce 2-3 teaspoon of sea salt and black pepper.
coarsely ground little Sunkist orange flesh. Cut into petal 1 Effect
tangerine. Cut into petal 1 Effect
cross section. Cut into petal 1 Effect
.Lemon cut into petal 1 Effect
Mint Lane 5-6
2 branches and leaves the times a little vegetable oil
1 fermentation method. พอร์ค shop and orange juice. Orange peel scratch, thyme, salt, and pepper together. Marinate for about 2-3 hours
2.Do with orange sauce by pouring the juice using fermented pork into a pot and bring it to the boil boil, add honey และซีอิ๊ว white down. Cook until period slightly. Put the lemon juice, and salt. Taste sour, sweet and slightly salty (Tips:Soy sauce with umami make salty taste. If you like the sauce thickens may add cornstarch dissolved in water with little)
3.The pan for grilled hot. Add oil down slightly. Put the shopping portal sometimes fermenting and branch times sauce into grilled until pork chop with brown and beautiful design Then backwards like until the color of both 2 side
4.Scoop porkchop put the tray oven temperature 180 DEG C for about 5-10 minutes until cooked. Lift up the cover with aluminum, Floyd. The room 3-5 minutes (Tips:If there is no oven while grilling, close the lid, and reduce the low heat until cooked. A pointed knife meat sauce thick part. Notice the water flow is clear no pink mixed)
5.Orange and lemon slice the meat all as petals. Sprinkle chopped mint leaves, stir well serve พร้อมพอร์ action. Topped with orange sauce.
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