2. Process Innovation: changes to production processes or product presentation.Process innovation to market, such as Nokia to move their production bases to China or to add innovative PDA.Can phone.3. Position Innovation: changing the format of the goods or services, or change the location of innovation.Or services that have already come into the market, the new perception, such as Orange was looking at Global Brand into position.Premium Service but have been switching into us, which was to occupy the position, Repositioning Lifestyles.A new version of the city people are successful.4. Innovation Paradigm: a focus on contributing to the innovation that changes idea plaengkrop (Change in Mental.The original Model), believes that with auto production will have a delicate thongyang is expensive. Who is as rich?Only available to occupy subsequent mass production but the mass production the price.Appropriate. Quality control of the car, with the same fixed performance is better or even we believe.Keep a money bribe people into AC narueang great with the Organization, but when they are used to keep the IC model.Actual job fair with the people and still make more money with another re naton.Change from Incremental innovation's Radical innovationThe process of change, there are multiple levels of innovation. Broken down by levels of difficulty-easy to innovate.The innovations by ranging from slight change is called Incremental innovation with development.Improve an existing product or service, or better the changes completely innovation is called into.Radical innovationIncremental innovation is Incremental Technology is not the technology development such as.From Villa to Villa nawo nawo into 98 2000 or 144 kbps GPRS technology to EDGE into 384 kbps re naton.Radical Technology, some textbooks called the Quantum Technology is innovative change.Technology such as camera technology from Phoenix air, to digital cameras, mostly naton.Changes to นเป็ bulletin General changes in the industry or business, technology innovation, but.Sometimes, mostly nonviolent change bulletin and swim fast. Bulletin of social change, as happened, for example,A revolutionary steam machinery, used oil, or changes to the telecommunications. At present, with the resultThe changes and development of computer technology makes it possible for the telegraph system and pager are missing. Innovation 4.Categories (4Ps of Innovation) can occur at any time, Dong, but Incremental until the Radical.Managing innovation processes, mostly training activity. Vitally important that they vary for each innovation facility check box.Categories such as process management, develop and improve the products or processes are Incremental.Unlike the Radical changes which the difference or difficulty of managing them will depend on.With the new innovation policy are those which only invented like many technology advances into your.4.Very common for large companies with technological advances, such as Shell or IBM, but for.Smaller companies, such as manufacturers of food or a car dealer could just install a computer connection.The Internet is just as challenging and narueang, re, re naton.
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