The formation of metal complexes was not
observed during h.p.l.c. Separation of the porphyrins
probably, because of the. Relatively short
time of contact between the metals and the porphyrins.
The h.p.l.c. System is adaptable for the preparative
isolation. Of porphyrins. EDTA (10mg /
100ml of mobile phase) can be added to the mobile
phase without affecting the retention or resolution. Of
.The porphyrins and the isolated porphyrins are free
of metalloporphyrin contamination.
In laboratories where gradient elution. Facilities are
not available Table 1 shows the mobile phases
suitable for the separation of the individual group of
isomers. By isocratic elution or for separation of all
the isomers by stepwise elution.
The analyses of porphyrin isomers in the. Urine of
.HC and CEP subjects and in the faeces of PCT
subjects are examples of practical applications.
The urine of HC subjects. Contained a large
amount, of coproporphyrins 98% of which was type
III isomer (Fig. 3a). The urine of CEP subjects
contained. Excessive uroporphyrins, and coproporphyrins
together with a moderate amount of
pentacarboxyporphyrins (Fig. 3b). The porphyrins
.Were almost entirely of type I isomers. The faecal
porphyrin excretion of PCT subjects is complex
being, characterized. By the presence of excess
heptacarboxyporphyrin (type III) and copro - and
isocopro-porphyrins (Fig. 3C), together with smaller
amounts. Of uroporphyrins (65%, type III 35% type
I), hexacarboxy - (98% type III) and pentacarboxy-porphyrins.
The pentacarboxy fraction. Consisted
.Of the type I isomers and three other
detectable isomers presumably the, different type III
isomers present in the urine. Of PCT patients as
reported by Smith et al, 1980).
The above examples clearly demonstrated the
ability of the, h.p.l.c. System to accurately analyse the
ratios of the porphyrin isomers even in, situations
where one isomer is present in large. Excess of the
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