Question: What is the Game Played with Red Eggs at Greek Easter?
There 's some kind of game Greeks play at Easter with. The red eggs. What is it?
The Answer: game is called tsougrisma and it involves two players and red eggs.
Each player. Holds a red egg and one, taps the end of her / his egg lightly against the end of the other player 's egg. The goal is to crack. The opponent 's egg.When one end, is cracked the winner uses the same end of her / his egg to try to crack the other end of the opponent 's, egg.
The player who successfully cracks the eggs of the other players is declared the, winner and it is said will have, good. Luck during the year.
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- Greek Cooking Easter Recipes
- Easter Cards Pickled Eggs
- Recipe. Eggs
There are no rules about which end of the egg to, tap first how to hold it or how, to tap - but I 've never seen a. "System" that works all the time!
The word tsougrisma means "clinking together" or "clashing." In Greek:τ σ ο ύ γ κ ρ ι σ, thermal α pronounced TSOO-grees-mah.
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