Sir Isaac Newton (English: Isaac Newton) (4 January 1975. 1643-31 March 1975. 1727 according to the Gregorian calendar, or 25 December 1975. 1642 - 20 March. In 1726 by Julian calendar) 1 physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, philosophers, surfers, mineral element and theologian British.Writing the 2230 about Philosophi æ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (called generally Principia) is regarded as one of the most influential in the history of science หนังสือที่มี As the foundation of classical mechanics in the writings of this piece of Newton describe กฎแรงโน้มถ่วง. Universal and change. A scientific law as a pillar of the study of the physical universe during the 3 centuries later, Newton show the movement of objects. On earth, and all celestial objects under natural law the same kind. By demonstrating the consistency between the Kepler"s laws of planetary motion and the theory of the force of gravity of its trend Which helps to confirm the heliocentrism. And help the revolutionary science progress even more.Newton created a reflecting telescope that can actually use a 1 first []. And development of color theory with reference to the observer. Triangular prism can separate the white light into multiple color, which is the spectrum of visible light. He also invented the rule of cooling of Newton and study of the speed of sound.In mathematics, Newton and ก็อตฟรีด Leibniz, together develop the theory of integral and differential calculus, he also demonstrates binomial theorem. And development process of Newton to estimation of the root of the function. Including participation in continuing series.Newton don"t believe in religion. He was a Christian, outside the Catholic. And also wrote to interpret Scripture with the magic, more scientific, และคณิตศาสตร์. He opposed the concept of Trinity secretly. And the fear of being accused because refuse to Shabbat.Isaac Newton has been praised by the wise and the association members. That is one of the most influential in the history of mankind.
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