The doctrine of the various religions such as Christianity and Islam in the popular concept of intent Because hold deliberately decide everything. The ethical values of the actions of the People
.Christianity was regarded as the main intention in the judgment of people, not just looking at the outside, but look at the heart of the action that the action wholeheartedly. The face or hope? The action is classified as sin outside.And the actions are considered good, my heart good, as Jesus said, "a good tree cannot produce a. The tree is good or evil is not "
.Islam, as intended primarily judged the actions of individuals as well. Is Islam considered intention is the main base. In an act of the person to be linked to return results. Of action in the world day of God.It depends on his intention. Great action is an act of the action. Do the commandments in the Bible, which is a manifest destiny with the heart or sincere. Not do to get something else such as FacebookEtc. this not be done good. Because the act did it without sincerity. "Real deeds is depending on the intent and a person is affected as he deliberately"
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