One of my favorite Arabic is Do Good things and good things will happen to you. It's often said taught to act, but a good ignore evil. It means that when we do well, we will have good results in return. But on the other hand, But if you do evil We will have bad things in return. A similar proverb in English is "As you sow, So Shall you reap." I like the proverb เป็นสุภาษิตที่เข้าใจได้ง่ายและเป็นสุภาษิตที่ใจเตือนใจในชีวิตประจำวัน
I like the proverb is a proverb that is understandable and is a proverb in daily life one's mind.
I like the proverb is saying that is easy to understand and is a proverb that reminds life. daily